issue with playroom on the i phone

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1. braillekid ,

Hi there seems to be an issue with Quentin c's on the I phone. if you're in the middle of a game it often brings me right back to the top of the history, which can be quite annoying. can it b fixed or...?

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2. sukil,

True, it also happens to me. Has anybody have a clue of what's going on for this to hapen?

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3. Aminiel,

We know about this issue, are noticing it as you are, but without knowing at all what is causing it.

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4. sukil,

I've found annother issue playing on an iPhone, which extends at a minor degree in Windows, using Firefox and NVDA.
The iPhone tends to, when a button is pressed, say again the button name. The result is that some ARIA Live messages are not spoken.
In Windows, some messages are silenced too, aparently for no apparent reason.
Not sure if you can do anything about this.

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Последнее изменение sukil, 17.04.2014 12:44:20

5. Aminiel,

@Sukil: Unfortunately, I believe I can't do much about it, unless the focus isn't directly placed back on the button after the click; but doing this would cause other much worse issues than just skipping messages randomly.

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Последнее изменение Aminiel, 17.04.2014 12:54:39

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