Is there a way to disable general messages in the web client?

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1. Myszojelen,

At the moment I'm trying to show the web client to some friends who are trying it on their mobile phones.
The problem we are having is that no matter what, the general messages about people connecting, creating tables etc. are printed. While on Android with Firefox this is somewhat manageable, on iOS with Safari the cursor keeps jumping all around the page making it rather hard to actually play anything.

  1. Is there a way to disable these messages?
  2. Can the VoiceOver announcements be somehow disabled so that the built-in speech synthesis can take over?
  3. Is there a way to speed up the browser speech synthessiser? I guess this is more of a general iOS question.
  4. Thanks in advance for any answers.
    kind regard

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2. Aminiel,


Issues concerning focus always jumping here and there on iOS aren't new. We unfortunately still didn't find what's causing this, and strongly suppose that is is mainly due to buggy graphical aspect. Anyone having information on how to solve this as well as creating sighted-usable CSS design is welcome.

The concept of views, as it is known on the windows client, doesn't exist on the web client yet. So it is impossible to disable the announcement of some particular kinds of messages; sorry.

Unfortunately, there is neither control on the builtin speech synthesizer to avoid having it speaking above VoiceOver, or to make VoiceOver to shut up automatically when the synthesizer is speaking. This is one of the biggest drawbacks of using the builtin synth, and that's partially why it isn't activated by default. Additionnally, you can't make it to shut up; there is no way to intercept the two fingers tap gesture to do that.

However, the rate can technically be modified. Currently you can't, I fixed it a bit arbitrarily to a speed matching more or less the rate of my own VoiceOver, but if the builtin synth shows to be really useful despite its big disadvantages, I might could add rate/pitch/volume options. Currently, the settings are:

  • Rate: 1.75 (range from 0.1 to 10); 1 is supposed to be the default, but it's really slow when we are used to screen readers reading fast.
  • Pitch: 1 (range from 0.5 to 2)
  • Volume: 1 (range from 0 to 1)

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