Safari and web client sounds, can it be fixed?

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1. Nikola,

when using the web client on iOS, if you minimize Safari and later come back to it, the sounds no longer play. Is this something that can be fixed? If not, any way to bring the sounds back other than restarting the whole client?

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2. helleon,

I sometimes used to find that with the web client when using the iPhone and Safari at least, the sounds would sometimes take a while to start playing in general, then suddenly boot up and all play together. As in, if you logged in and you had a new message in your inbox, you joined a table and you rolled dice, you'd hear the inbox sound, the join sound and the dice sound all play at once

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3. Nikola,

That's unfortunately a different issue, and the one Aminiel already said can't be fixed and is a limitation of Apple. What happens is if a sound is supposed to play, it won't actually play until you activate at least one element on the page. I was just talking about leaving Safari and then coming back, in this case sounds don't play at all.

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4. Aminiel,


Maybe the limitation is reset when switching to another app ? I'll have a look at that soon.

Which iPhone and which version of iOS are you using ? I don't remember having troubles with iOS 12. I haven't much tested the playroom since then, maybe it's new.

Thank you for this bug report.

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5. Nikola,

Thanks for the answer.
Here it's IPhone 8 on iOS 13.6.1, though this was certainly happening on previous versions of iOS 13 as well, I can't remember if it was an issue on 12.

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6. jackson95,

You need to reload your page to make the sound come back. After that, you must click on an element on the webpage for them to actually play.

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