Does Hoang Sa Island belong to Vietnam or China?

3 сообщений, 1 страниц:  1 ↖ Вернуться к списку тем

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1. nguyen_hoang_anh,

island h
Hoang Sa belongs to Vietnam, right? But I think if you are not a person who likes to explore world politics, you should not come here. Let's see if you say Hoang Sa belongs to China or Vietnam. this is being debated. Regarding its expansionist regime, China says it belongs to China. Please watch, I think there will be a lot of debate.

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2. glad,

lets not post such topics hear we don't want a debate or arguiment.

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3. Marina,

No political or religious debates are allowed here as we explained before, so this topic is now closed. Please understand that this is a gaming platform, you can find a lot of places to discuss politics and religion else where. Thanks.

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