eurofly 3 update

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1. medhansh,

hay all, on 25 December Eurofly announced a reporting system update. i can't find it in the program. i also launched the launcher. how to get that update?

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2. SheWolf,

If you are in the mailing group, you probably know that they work on the ubdate. It is not good to bother them, because they have own families and own problem, this game is really good and for free and they really do what they can to bring the most realistic experience. They will release the ubdate when it will be prepared as they wrote. Just be patient.

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3. medhansh,

but they wrote that the update will release on 20 January and i just asking that how to access that update?

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4. JMouse,

not out yet

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5. medhansh,

it has been so long and the update is still not out yet.

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6. spaceship,

its out. open the launcher.ini file, and modify Mode=rel to Mode=beta
Note that there are lot more bugs here, with some new features.

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7. medhansh,

i done it all now please tell me that how to access the reporting system.

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