Uno league, round two.

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1. basket,

Hello everyone,
I'm sure you're wondering about the status of the uno league since the regular season has ended. Unfortunately, we have encountered problems. Fiji is set to encounter yet another cyclone resulting in Krish losing power, internet and no means of communication. Thus, we were not able to have a meeting to agree on the format of the second round as of yet. We are not sure when he is able to get internet and be able to communicate to the rest of us. What does this mean? Well, in short, the league is temporarily suspended until we are able to have our meeting to discuss the second round. We apologize for the inconvenience, and frustrations, but there is nothing more we can do right now.
Sincerely, the uno league team.

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2. Athlon,

I Hope he is safe and the power not out too long.

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3. Epic_Krrish,

hey guys, sorry for that inconvinience, the cyclone which was named Zeena came close to fiji but went away thank god for that, now all is good here and we will let you all know soon about the status of the 2nd round soon, keep checking forums.
Regards Krrish

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