Bolabaise tournament

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31. His-girlfriend ,

The tournament will take place the weekend 27-28 of may if it is saturday and sunday and I didn't wrong something again.
Oh my friends, thank you for kind of defence and understanding about my misspellings, but the truth is that it doesn't disturb me at all that Basket paid attention to my writting style, though of course I would prefer to hear that he just is interested in taking a part in the tournament :D Anyway hope to see you all even if I had to chose a date, which may be not suitable for everybody here. Kisses and hugs to all.

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32. cherry-blossom,

I would love to participate if it's still possible

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33. His-girlfriend ,

The datum is 27 of may. If all goes well we will finish the same day, if not, on sunday. I will try to be as flexible as possible. Of course it is still possible to join. Please confirm your participation by sending me a pm message or mail, telling which time is suitable for you. There are a few people who want to play earlier, we will try to fix it. Only people who confirm it on pm, will be signed in and I will tell them about it. Willing to see you soon guys!

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34. alesia,

helo count me please

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35. Angelina-princess,

Yo girl, love to join but if it can be early time for me. thanks.
all the best.

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36. Fawaz,

Count me in too.

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37. His-girlfriend ,

The official time of starting the tournament is my 21 pm, what is 20 pm of UK time. If somebody is not sure what time it is of him or her, please contact me personaly. Hope to see you all.

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38. YNWA,

I would say 20:00 BST so France would be 21:00 and Romania 22:00 if I am correct but I think I am.

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39. His-girlfriend ,

For those who wonder if tournament is going to take place, it is! This saturday at my 21.00, what is 20 of English time, the same time of Egypt, 15.00 of New York time, 7.00 of Fiji... I don't know where people are from, so if needed just ask me. I don't put groups here, cause I know, from my sad experience, that if half of people, who declared will appear, it wi be a succes. I will see then who appears and make a quick groups. It will be spontanous tournament, and I hope it will be good for it. See you on saturday!

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40. Adventure-Time,

Hey you awesome people!
Let me congratulate to Furki for becoming the 2017 champion of the crazy game of bouillabaisse. Together with other six fighters she made it to the big final and reached the amazing score of -145 points. Cristina took the second place, also with a negative score of -40. Thanks to all you who stayed with us till the end and helped to realise this little competition. The tournament took just a couple of hours and although some tiny amount of tougher issues occurred, think we enjoyed the way it was going. Most of the people arrived and it wasn't difficult to find more souls to replace the missing ones. The tournament went smoothly and quite fast as well, considering the fact we began with 24 players in total. So thanks again for everybody involved, which is the organisers, players and the cheering crowd.

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41. balasana ,

I participated on the spur of the moment. I applaud for this kind of semi-planned tournament, in which some unpleasant issues are eliminated. Thanks Badgirl and AT for organizing. I had great fun.

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42. boo-boo,

congratulations to bad girl for organising that in the best way. there are always absents and missings , but the important things is that all of us enjoy it. it went great . lets expect for more tournaments . stay with love!

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43. Angelina-princess,

Congratulations to Furki & well done Badgirl for the organising. I was really enjoyable & hope to play again &again in next time. :)
Thanks for tournament.

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44. Cristina ,

Congratulations to Furki and thanks to badgirl for this enjoyable tournament.
I've enjoyed it, even if i was the second in that final match.
Hope to have much more such quick tournaments in future and more often.
Kind regards, Cristina!

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45. Mayank ,

Congratulations Furkey. Thanks for such a quick and fun tournament.

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46. His-girlfriend ,

Thank you all amazing, spontanous people. Half of participants were organized just during the tournament, that was fun, even if I got lost in some moment and Cristina almost lost patience to me :D Thank you all who come, kick to all who didn't, and thank you my partner in organizing A-T.

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47. Cristina ,

Come on badgirl...
It seems you really got lost in some moments as long as you thought that I almost lost my patience to you :D :D :D

But let me not tell publicly due of what reason I got angry at that time.
Anyway it doesn't matter anymore, cuz everything was ok and finished nicely.
As I've said in my previous post, i enjoyed this tournament a lot and I was glad to take part in.
And I think, it was so, cuz I could help again, recruiting people, who replaced those, who were absent. I simply love to do this and always did it for almost every tournaments which were organized on pr.

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48. YNWA,

Congratulations Furki. Well done Badgirl as I know you would do an excellent job. I think you invited me to the wrong seet as mine was rather lumpy, lol

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49. Sajad-Aliraqi,

Congratulations Furkey!

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