What programming language was used to code QC Playroom?

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1. bourne ,

Hey there.
we've been working on a
moo recently. However, this moo is going tu be in turkish, which contains unicode characters.
But we failled to make server see and recognise Unicode characters. We've tried lambda moo, gamma moo and a few similar systems as well as some modifications for these languages, such as codepoint. (a patch lets us use Unicode with lambda moo)

But we kept failling. And thought it could be good idea to get help of qc admins. Dou you guys have any suggestions about that? What can we use, or how can we modify any of these languages so they'd let us use turkish letters and such.

Thanks in advance!

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2. Aminiel,

I'm afraid, but I don't know what are moo and all the stuff you are talking about, sorry.

For your question in the topic title, it isn't really a secret: the client is made in C++ with Win32 API, and the server is programmed in java.

Anyway, no language supports UTF-8 without any effort; this is in general not given without doing anything.

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3. bourne ,

Well. they are basically languages to code text based games, such as muds and such. I thought qc would be coded with something similar to these, that's why i've listed them all. sorry for causing confusion and giving unnecessary information.

In this case, we should try to see if we can achieve this using java. Wish us luck!

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Последнее изменение bourne , 24.11.2014 22:33:02

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