Good news! Marvelous 99 tournament on the 15th of August!

47 Nachrichten, 2 Seiten:  12 ↖ Zurück zur Themenliste

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31. unolover,

count me in

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32. BlueTick,

i want tp play ..add me

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33. phoenix009,

I'm in. count me in please.

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34. pabolo ,

Count me in

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35. M.Imran.khan,

i play

i play

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36. bogdanionut,

Hi, count me in.

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37. Catalina,

hello. count me in please

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38. cristina ,

Ok, I can play, please count me in if there still are free spots. Thanks

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39. Nokomi,

Count me among you if there are still places available. Thank

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40. Driad,

Count me in if there's any places available.

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41. Mastani ,

greetings please join ft of the tournament thanks

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42. Nokomi,

Hey. My apologize. i completly forgot that i subscribed to the tournament. I'm not used to miss this kind of commitment. I'm sorry again. Hope it went well.

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43. Mastani ,

After about 2 hours of ferocious competition, we are delighted to announce that prabhu was the champion with marina coming in a close second.
All the competitors displayed exceptional skill and talent, with marina, prabhu, qais and thegirlnextdoor being the semifinalists.
On behalf of the entire team, I would like to thank all you marvelous folks who took time out of their busy schedule to participate in the tournament, and am also happy to report that most of the people showed up, which is definitely a plus in my book considering that this was mine and goodnews's first one!

Once again thanks for showing up to take part whether you played, spectated, encouraged, or were simply there, it does mean a lot and I hope to see you all in the next one!

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44. prabhu,

thanks for the great tournament finally at least won one

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45. cristina ,

Congratulations Praghu and well done guys, it was a nice and fast tournament.

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46. YNWA,

Well done, nice win.

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47. Aeon ,

@Prabhu, Congratulation for a marvelous win and to all the players who partisipated. Also congratulations and a big thanks to the organisers for this successful and heated tournament! I couldn't take part because of timely restrictions, but it was great to see a lot of players entering this. Once again, thanks!
Edit: I'd suggest to update the first post, and put all the ranks.

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Zuletzt geändert von Aeon , Aug 16 2021 05:04:56

47 Nachrichten, 2 Seiten:  12 ↖ Zurück zur Themenliste

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