Duck race in teams

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~msgScore~: +12

1. dhegwork-adakly,

Hello, at the request of the users on the Spanish side of the room, I bring this suggestion written by 4 or 5 of us who were discussing at a table.

Duck race in teams:

The idea is simple. implement a duck race mode in which you can play as a team, whether teams of two or 3 (I can't imagine a game with many more) so for now it is fine with 2 or 3 per team. Two different points of view emerged in our discussion, so I will include both. First, the idea that the teams played as one duck (similar to what happens in a thousand miles) And second, the idea that the teams were independent ducks, each player with his duck. In the first case, the game would end when one team's duck crossed the finish line on the last lap. In the second case, the game would end when all the ducks of a team manage to cross the finish line in the last lap.
If the mode similar to a thousand miles is chosen, the team would share the feathers, the location on the board and the effects they receive from the cards or spaces.
If the duck racing mode that is most similar to the current game is chosen, a duck cannot receive a negative effect from a card placed by a partner, such as mine, tar, glue, ETC. They will not be able to challenge each other with cards, steal feathers, try to fall asleep or place dice with negative effects, or dice malus.

In challenges, the results obtained by a team will be added if possible, for example in the simon, Numbered balls , Die roll, or any in which scores can be added to compare the results of the teams.
For games where this method cannot be used, two things come to mind. Or that the winning player makes his team win because he won. or that each member of a team faces another or others from different teams.
To make it better understood, I will give an example.
If two teams:
Team A:
Peter and John.
Team b:
Anastacia and donal duk.
They face each other in a black jack challenge and obtain these results
Peter: 15, John: 21.
Anastacia: 16, Donal Duk: 20
John's team wins because John had the highest score, or Anastacia beats Peter in one matchup and John beats Donal Duk in another.

In the event that the challenge is just rolling dice, Peter and John would add their dice, Anastacia and Donal Duk would add theirs and then they would compare to decide which team wins.

Immunity cards or passive cards:
This idea is more focused on the modality similar to miles, since if one team is stopped or frozen, they would be at a disadvantage compared to the other and unlike miles, they would not be able to use cards as long as they have to take turns or be frozen. Therefore, a suggestion for these circumstances is to add new cards with passive effects, which are activated when one team tries to pass the other's turns or remove feathers to freeze it. Cards could also be added to avoid receiving malus from dice, or dice with faces less than 6, avoid changing cards or some other immunity.

Now, I would like to better explain what the term of the race would be like in the case where each player is an individual duck, but part of a team.
If Peter reaches the last lap, let's say the third, and crosses the finish line, his team already has a winning duck, but to finish they need the rest. so if John is in the second round, Anastacia in the second and Donal Duk in the third. For Peter team to win, John would have to get ahead of Anastacia and Donal Duk, to reach his teammate and be able to finish the game, with his team being the winner.
Also, there may be the case in which John, due to falling asleep, going too slow, or any other reason in the game, falls behind and Anastacia and Donal duk reach the goal first, then, although Peter was the first to arrive, his team does not win, because John was left behind and Anastacia's team managed to reach the finish line completely.

Tournaments held without the modality:
I put links to some tournaments that were held on the Spanish side of the room, trying to play a team Duck Race and that if one of these two modalities had existed or both would have been more successful and with few or no complications.

"¡nuevo torneo de carrera de patos en equipos!":
"Torneo de carrera de patos en equipos":

I may be missing something to add or explain, so I look forward to your responses and suggestions. The users who contributed to the idea at the moment were Rebaldo, Horus, Tasha, marcoML, Ronald-Weasley, Captain-Nemo and Gilbert_Bougainvillea. If I forget anyone, please excuse me and remind me.

If something is not understood, I have used a translator, so I cannot be 100 percent sure how well it is translated into English.

~msgScore~: +1

2. glad,

it would be very confusing. 1000 miles has cars and 4 or ppl can sit in one cars and compeat. so 2, 3, 4 ppl can beat another team. duckracing is like monopoly going around the board and there are no teams like monopoly. This is my own view though and hope I understood it correctly.

~msgScore~: -1

Zuletzt geändert von glad, Jun 7 2024 13:07:58

3. majoz,

Hi there, I support this idea. It'd be cool to be able to compete in teams, allthough I rather support the option where two or three ducks are fighting together for the best placement, not two or three players represented by only one duck. It would bring this game to a completely different and unique level! Hope it can be added / reviewed soon. Have a nice weekend everyone.

~msgScore~: +1

4. dhegwork-adakly,

Thanks for the answers, I am in favor of the second option, but since the proposal is not mine alone, I included both. There is one that arose after having published the proposal, but in summary it is the same as the second, but it is enough for one duck to reach the finish line for the team to win. If you want to consider it without being in the first message, that's fine.

~msgScore~: +0

5. Jigsaw,

hello. Frankly, I am more in favor of the proposal similar to 1000 miles (which in fact I was one of those who proposed it) especially because although it is not a car and it is a dashboard, it would make things much easier for everyone to move together by the definition of team. However, I also believe that both modalities could be implemented, to a point where the user can decide to play with either of the two according to their taste. greetings.

~msgScore~: -1

6. Emerald,

The second one sounds more fun and thats probably only because it’s a strategic game where people would get mad if the cards get put in the wrong squares or too soon? Then again I’ve not got much experience in team play so wouldn’t know. Its an interesting concept.

~msgScore~: +0

7. YNWA,

I am not sure playing Duck racing using the 1,000 miles example would be good and it would be possible for other team members to send a PM with a correct answer for questions.

I would support a team game where each member of the team has their own individual ducks. When it is your turn you can pass the dice on to another team member if you feel it is better for your team. If a team member loses all their feathers their duck goes back to the start. It would also be worth thinking about using a barrel system with more players to create more tacticts. IE if 2 team members on the same square then the other team cannot pass.

~msgScore~: -1

8. the_killer,

will be good ad the 2 options

~msgScore~: -1

9. Elinoria,

Adding a team element would deffinitely make it more interesting for spectators.

~msgScore~: +0

10. Frosty,

challenges could be done something like this, the more people gets the answer right, the more chances you have of winning a certain challenge. I agree duck racing with teams would be fun.

~msgScore~: +1

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