Suggestion for Monopoly: Menu modifications

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~msgScore~: +3

1. Sajad-Aliraqi,

I wasn't intending to sound vague , but to put it straight:
As long as you can see all the properties with V and shift V, we shouldn't be promted with a menu with the total of our properties in K or shift+K menus for mortgaging and unmortgaging.
If we press K then we should only see the properties that we can mortgage as of now, and the same thing goes with shift+K: Only available properties to mortgage must be displayed and none else.
Another suggestion: In the trade menu, sometimes you forget what you want to write in an edit box , so you press escape. In this case, Escape should return you to the trade menu, instead now what it does is it breaks the menu completely

~msgScore~: +0

1 Nachrichten, 1 Seiten:  1 ↖ Zurück zur Themenliste

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