A pair of new suggestions for the forum!

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~msgScore~: +0

1. Exink,

Hi all,

After of thinking in a new suggestion for the platform or the forum, I have thought in two, which are the following:

  • Add the possibility to see if who has written a post is online or ofline, in the client or the forum. I think that it would nice have this feature like in the other forums. So, if the user is connected right now, we can contact him/her inmediately.
  • That a user can close or mark a topic as solved. If a question or problem has solved succesfully, the user could do click in a option called "Mark this topic as solved" or simply "Close topic", since already there is a solution for the problem or message.

And finally, I have other suggestion optional or unimportant:

- Can delete a topic or a message. Sometimes in our history of the forum an user can write a message that we cannot want to have later, and then eliminate it.

What think of these ideas? Thanks a lot!

~msgScore~: +0

Zuletzt geändert von Exink, Jan 8 2015 00:15:35

2. Aminiel,

- Add the possibility to see if who has written a post is online or ofline, in the client or the forum. I think that it would nice have this feature like
in the other forums. So, if the user is connected right now, we can contact him/her inmediately.

I think it's completely useless. Forum isn't chat.

- That a user can close or mark a topic as solved. If a question or problem has solved succesfully, the user could do click in a option called "Mark this topic as solved" or simply "Close topic", since already there is a solution for the problem or message.

You can change the subject to indicate that your problem is solved, by addming a mention « (solved) » at the end of the topic title for example.

- Can delete a topic or a message. Sometimes in our history of the forum an user can write a message that we cannot want to have later, and then eliminate it.

Deleting bad posts isn't your job. It's the job of helpers and administrators. And if you mean delete your own posts, you should simply assume what you say and think before posting.

~msgScore~: +0

3. Exink,

It's okey, you're right. Thanks for answering!

~msgScore~: +0

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