Suggestion: that the permanent messages are not closed

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1. Markk,

Hi, although I'm not sure about if this will work, I post this because well... who knows.
It would be nice that permanent messages didn't have the same restrictions as they have in the forum, specially that one which doesn't allow you to post after some inactivity time has passed.
I understand the reason to do this in the forum so that anybody doesn't pop up and bring back threads which are ages old and turn the first pages spammy, but it doesn't make any sense for permanent messages since they are private messages. Anybody could use them as a kind of notepad among various people and since they are... well, private, when such threads are closed it's more complicated asking a helper to revive it, for the added complexity of inviting him/her, then he would post to it and he/she would leave it, not to mention that our messages would stop being private that way.
Okay, that's it.

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2. Shiara,

Nice idea. That could be very useful, at least for me.

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3. Angel_Oscar_Alfredo,

I like the idea! I fully support her.

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4. Naday,

Supporting too. Maybe restricted only if you don't have the person in your friends list to avoid spam?

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5. Nikola,

This actually seems like a bug to me more than a feature, or if it is a feature, then it's not very well implemented at the moment.
If I go to a very old permanent message, in April to be specific, I can't reply at all from the Windows client. However, on the web, I have a warning which says, "The last reply is more than one month old. Post an answer only if you bring an important element to the discussion."
I have the edit field to reply. I can write my reply, however, when I press send, it just says the message couldn't be sent.

Needless to say I also support this and think it is unnecessary for permanent messages.

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6. Harry_Potter,

I like the proposal.

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7. MutebMohammedMuteb,

nice idea, it will help me a lot

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8. el-prevoste,

it's a nice idea, and I am fully in favour of its implementation

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9. James_Potter,

I hope the idea is read by the admins.

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10. Aminiel,


This is now implemented. You can now post in private messages older than one month.
The error "Your message couldn't bee sent" is also fixed, as well as notification for private messages in the client.

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11. Northstrider,

Cool, it works. But when you hit escape after going through a thread, it tosses you back in the first page which ideally should not happen.

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12. Shiara,

Cool! Many thanks! It will be very useful to me :)

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13. Markk,

great @Aminiel, thank you very much! I didn't think it would be implemented so quickly

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14. unicornioAzul ,

nice to listen this again :) thanks @aminiel to do it :)

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14 Nachrichten, 1 Seiten:  1 ↖ Zurück zur Themenliste

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