Error 500 on the web forum when signed in

2 Nachrichten, 1 Seiten:  1 ↖ Zurück zur Themenliste

~msgScore~: +5

1. Moriarty,

Hello again,
sorry for double posting, I seem to have a lot of luck today. :)
The forum on the generally works fine, until I log in.
After signing in, I'm unable to view any forum room or topic, all of them return code 500.
The farthest I can get is /en/forum, but not any further.
Fortunately, the Playroom web client works just fine, so that's how I've been able to publish this topic and my previous-one.
Anyone else getting the same behavior?

~msgScore~: +2

2. Aminiel,


This problem is now fixed. Thank you for signaling.

~msgScore~: +2

Zuletzt geändert von Aminiel, Dec 29 2022 17:10:35

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