Playroom client 3.0 beta

353 Nachrichten, 12 Seiten:  1; 9 1011 12 ↖ Zurück zur Themenliste

~msgScore~: +5

301. Mortem,

Something interesting I noticed is that if you hammer enter once you join the table to start the game, multiple of the game will attempt to be initialized. As you'd expect, it leads to interesting results with Angelscript.
I got these assertions at one point:
Assertion failed!

Program: C:\Program Files (x86)\QuentinCGameroom\qcgc.exe
File: as_module.cpp, Line 845

Expression: (*globIt)->refCount.get()


Assertion failed!

Program: C:\Program Files (x86)\QuentinCGameroom\qcgc.exe
File: as_scriptfunction.cpp, Line 524

Expression: module


At another point, it allowed me to navigate through the menu but when I pressed exit it gave me a script error which closed quickly. These things also happened in the debug log:
Destroying game engine...
Destroying AngelScript engine...
Warning: There is an external reference to an object in module 'main', preventing it from being deleted
Info: The function in previous message is named 'wait'. The func type is 1
Warning: There is an external reference to an object in module 'main', preventing it from being deleted
Info: The function in previous message is named 'main'. The func type is 1
Warning: There is an external reference to an object in module 'main', preventing it from being deleted
Info: The builtin type in previous message is named 'SimpleMenuItem'
Warning: There is an external reference to an object in module 'main', preventing it from being deleted
Info: The builtin type in previous message is named 'Menu'
Warning: There is an external reference to an object in module 'main', preventing it from being deleted
Info: The builtin type in previous message is named 'List'
Warning: There is an external reference to an object in module 'main', preventing it from being deleted
Info: The builtin type in previous message is named 'List'
Error: Object {5}. GC cannot destroy an object of type 'Menu' as it can't see all references. Current ref count is -1.
Error: Object {4}. GC cannot destroy an object of type 'List' as it can't see all references. Current ref count is 1.
Error: Object {6}. GC cannot destroy an object of type 'List' as it can't see all references. Current ref count is 1.
AngelScript engine destroyed
Destroying game engine...
Destroying AngelScript engine...
AngelScript engine destroyed

~msgScore~: +1

302. Aminiel,


Weirdness with the menu should be fixed now, as well as the translations.

~msgScore~: +1

303. mr.miguel,

before I continue, I need to congratulate you on your excellent work with the playroom, and the addition of the arcade just takes the experience to the next level.
my favorite game is quiz party, but it is not translated into my native language which is portuguese, which forces me to play in spanish and not be able to play it with my friends because they don't understand spanish like i do.
some game suggestions that could be added to the arcade would be rhythm games and that classic ship destruction game.
note: i am portuguese and i am using the translator to write this message, so any error is made by google.

~msgScore~: +0

304. Nikola,

thanks for the fix, the menu now works, you can exit out of it, but still one problem remains that in a list of magic blocks tables, if you press enter on create a new table of Magic blocks nothing happens and the same menu still remains open.

~msgScore~: +1

305. Rincewind ,

Hi. I was playing the game but when I was well advanced into the game I got the following error. I'm not sure what caused it.

Level 15
Script error dialog

An error occurred while running the game.

and when I checked the box for more details this is what I got:

Script error dialog

Error: std::out_of_range: Index out of bounds 15 for size 15
at void Game::nextBlock()
at void Game::update()
at void Game::run()
at void roomMasterMainLoop()
Tat void main()

Edit: I should mention that I leveled up to 15 in the game itself and the moment I hit 15 I encountered the error.

~msgScore~: +1

Zuletzt geändert von Rincewind , Aug 18 2021 06:01:01

306. godfather,

There is a bug that I am facing with the magic blocks game where in while playing my pr simplly crashes all of a udden. I can't pinpoint the cause as it happens very randomly and suddenly, but one second I'm atempting to drop peaces, the other my pr has been closed. Once I reopen, the game is no longer active.

~msgScore~: +0

307. Captain-Lousy,

I just wanted to confirm that reaching level 15 might probably crash the game, as I've just encountered the same situation that Rincewind explained above. Everything happened pretty quickly, but I got to level 14, created a combination which earned me a switch bonus and made me to level up, and then I got this:
Error: std::out_of_range: Index out of bounds 15 for size 15
at void Game::nextBlock()
at void Game::update()
at void Game::run()
at void roomMasterMainLoop()
at void main()

~msgScore~: +1

308. Aminiel,


As you have noticed, the game has 15 levels. I will add new ones in the next update. I didn't thought that you would do so well ! As things are getting pretty insane beyond level 10.

~msgScore~: +1

309. majoz,

Hello Aminiel, it's true that the game is becoming crazy then, but it's also a fact that the levels are changing way faster. If possible, could there be a way to simply end the game at that point, so players (including me for around 3 times already) don't lose their score? Because now the game has become even harder to play when you want to get a high score, you need to end it before level 15 comes. :D
Anyway, I am a lot thankfull for this new game coming in! It's awesome.

~msgScore~: +1

310. Aminiel,


Beta 2.99.50 is coming with an update to MagicBlocks.

  • The highest level will now be 20 instead of 15 and I will make sure that you don't go beyond that
  • New insane difficulty level
  • In hard difficulty level, you will start with one line of random blocks already placed, in insane this will be two lines.

~msgScore~: +1

311. James_Potter,

when will multiplayer work in magicblocks?

~msgScore~: +0

312. YNWA,

When downloading the new version I log-in and it asks to update to the latest version then chucks me out when done! when trying to log-in again I have the same issue. I have no issue with going into the 2-8 version.

~msgScore~: +0

313. Marina,

Hi, you can download it manually from this link:

~msgScore~: +1

314. majoz,

Hello Aminiel, thanks for fixing the magic blocks. This time, I have a new report related to the playroom configuration. I had troubles with it for the days I was using the beta client, and untill now I managed to solve it. The problem is that how I discovered, playroom prefers to write the configuration to the current folder, and if it can not (in case of not having the permission) it switches to appdata. The problem in this situation is though that when the playroom starts, from what I discovered it seems as if it rather prefered the appdata configuration, even if when shut down for the last time the configuration has been successfully written to the current folder. Therefore, I suppose that everything needed to do to fix this bug is to reverse the process of looking for the configuration file, first in the folder, then into the appdata. I may be wrong though because I haven't seen the code, it's just what I found out and therefore what I suppose now. Also, I'm sorry if this has been discussed here before, I think I saw something related to the configuration but m not sure what it was by now. Thanks for your time.

~msgScore~: +1

315. Nikola,

I've never played your original Magic blocks, so what I am suggesting might make the game too easy, but here is my idea...

When you are above level 9, the game becomes pretty fast.
The main issue is that you don't really have a lot of time to even check whether a column is full.
So, by the time you reach over to C5 and realize that it is full, a block might already drop and you will lose the game just because of being on a full column, even though you had more space to play.

I was thinking, why not, if you navigate to a full column, speak this right away?
For example, it could say, full A1 when you navigate to A, meaning that there are some blocks already placed from A1 to A5.

If we imagine that this was a visual game rather than an audio game, you will see right away if a column is full of blocks, you don't have to go to it's last row to find that out, so I think that this could be rather useful.

If not this though, how about making navigation keys to quickly reach the top or the bottom of the grid, just like in classic non audio games where you can just quickly Ctrl up arrow to go to the last row rather than pressing up arrow 4 times from A1?
So basically, ctrl plus arrow keys to go to the edges.
Although I've noticed that ctrl key always plays the sound of a block which is about to drop, even when combined with other keys. If CTRL is problematic you could also use shift.

PS: I also wanted to report that in the rules, the V key is mentioned to report the current level while playing, although this doesn't work and it is rather the E key instead. Not sure if that is a mistake in the rules or in the game.


~msgScore~: +1

316. majoz,

I like that second suggestion with the edge moving, since you can keep yourself at the top of the columns yourself to not lose track of what you have full and what not. If you're fast enough, you can handle that, at least untill level 20. :D All though I must say that losing only because you were looking into a full column and wanted to move away quickly is truly frustrating, so you got a point on that.

~msgScore~: +1

317. unolover,

what is magickblocks

~msgScore~: +0

318. Emrah20,

Here is tutorial to Magic block.

~msgScore~: +0

319. amirmohammad,

Hello. I think it's better to save history in log format. Its format is now txt.

~msgScore~: +0

320. Nikola,

there was really nothing specially useful about .log, it's just a txt file with a different extension.

Anyway, I wanted to post some more things about Magic blocks.
First of all, thank you very much for implementing the full column sound, that solves my problem perfectly.
I noticed also that some other bugs were fixed, like the error allowing you to start the game multiple times at once and arcade mode not turning off in the main room, that all works great now.

I will mention some remaining errors, in case they have been forgotten:

  • While playing Magic blocks, your status remains available instead of turning to busy.
  • Saving tables doesn't work correctly. That is, you can save a table, but when restoring it you get an error.
  • It would be better, if saving isn't possible for this type of a game to display a message similar to Duck racing when attempting to save letting us know that it's unsupported.
  • The option to duck notification sounds when arcade mode is active inside audio settings currently has no effect. Even when it's enabled, notification sounds still play at full volume in arcade mode.

Thanks for the update.

~msgScore~: +1

Zuletzt geändert von Aminiel, Aug 23 2021 17:06:10

321. Aminiel,


Thank you for testing Magic Blocks !

Today, we have made some adjustments to the game to make it less sensible to good or bad luck.
AS a result, it is now generally more difficult than before and for that reason, we needed to reset hiscores in order to keep them fair for those who are going to play from now on.

This is probably going to happen again while the game is in beta. Sorry!

By the way, if you could answer to the following questions, it would be good:

  1. Do you think there should be only a single ranking for all difficulty levels rather than one for each ?
  2. Which scheme do you prefer between retro and musical ? why ? Do you think one is harder than the other and that rankings should also be separate, too ?
  3. Do you like the timed mode or do you find it totally useless or uninteresting ?

Thank you very much for beta-testing!

As a memory, here is the general top scores of all categories just before the reset.

  1. Vojvoda: 21826 
  2. majoz: 20353 
  3. zseli: 18323 
  4. dzeuss: 16756 
  5. Adventure-Time: 16701 
  6. JoshYork: 16396 
  7. Nikola: 16262 
  8. Rincewind: 14896 
  9. Mmarina: 14848 
  10. Anneau-de-Saturne: 12915 
  11. metalalchemist: 12390 
  12. TheGirlNextDoor: 11800 
  13. Fawaz: 10941 
  14. Aminiel: 10916 
  15. rileyvaldor: 10018 
  16. zeoltan: 9966 
  17. Robert-smith: 9683 
  18. semitdoog: 9665 
  19. ViquingoMoloon: 9664 
  20. PabloIranzo: 9562 
  21. Hispanista_Dolanescu: 9497 
  22. fortonn: 9281 
  23. Saphir: 9271 
  24. lucas1: 9079 
  25. jimmy79: 8957 
  26. Emrah20: 8790 
  27. Animagus: 8634 
  28. gaisgeach_marbhtach: 8632 
  29. ofddo: 8582 
  30. esialb: 8572 

~msgScore~: +1

322. Nikola,

here are my opinions.

First, regarding scoreboards, I do think you should keep it separated by difficulty.
Maybe you can do a minor interface improvement here, if possible.
For example, when you are viewing scores for easy, pressing the right arrow could take you to the scores for medium, and pressing it again would switch you to scoreboards for hard, that would make it a little easier to view all the difficulties without going back and forth across menus. It would also be quite nice if the level reached was displayed too, for example, 5. Nikola, 12345 points, level 10.

Regarding the different ambiances, I personally like the retro one more.
than the music one, and keeping in mind this is just a subjective thing, I'm not so good with pitch based games so sometimes, especially after level 7 or above, I can confuse the different notes and make a mess :)
in retro, this never happens as all the blocks are distinct and different so there is never any confusion.
As I said though, this is just a personal thing. If the blocks were, for example, different musical instruments, I'd have no problems with that mode either.

I personally don't think it needs a different scoreboard, after all, the principle of the game remains the same.

Finally, I'm not a big fan of time attack mode.
That's not to say I never play it, but I prefer reaching a higher level and a faster phase of the game, while in time attack you need to make a lot of combos to keep the game going, which is very difficult at later levels.
Even when you do make a combo, there is a high chance you are going to get a bomb or a changer instead of a time bonus.

Speaking of this, I want to ask something about changers.
Maybe you should improve this, and maybe you like it this way, but when pressing X on an empty square to change the piece which is about to drop, sometimes it can change to the exact same piece as before, thus wasting it in a very useless way.
Sometimes, this even happens 2 or 3 times, which is very frustrating.
It's a bonus, I do think it should be more valuable rather than being completely wasted because of randomness.

~msgScore~: +1

323. majoz,

I must almost entirely agree with all written above. The retro soundpack is better to play with, especially because I was used to it when playing magicblocks before, and even if I have perfect pitch by myself, I get confused with the musical pack. However, it's also a personal think and I wouldn't make a separated scoreboard for that, it's just about preferences. By the way, shouldn't the game have the beta status in it's name too? I know it's kind of obvious since this is a beta client, that's just a cosmetic detail. Also, I would like to thank you Aminiel for posting the scoreboard before the reset, it's very kind from you (especially for people who have been trying hard to keep a high position where it was possible). :D Thanks for your work Aminiel and keep it up!

~msgScore~: +1

324. Rincewind ,

Hi. I would second (or third) Nikola here and agree with all the points.
The time based mode is difficult, but also fun. Would like if it stayed around as well.

~msgScore~: +1

325. Aminiel,

I have fixed the duking sound problem in 2.99.53. Now it should work as expected. When the option is activated, volume of notifications are lowered by 75%.

I have added more log in debug.txt when listening to an audio stream, as well as copying the downloaded file.
CAn you tell me if you find more clues about why some streams don't work any longer in beta version ?

For everybody, keep in mind that making a copy of the downloaded file is there only in this particular version for debugging. THis won't stay as a permanent feature.

~msgScore~: +1

326. godfather,

Me and a few other peple encounterred the following bug when trying to stream a song using its download link.
Upon hitting ctrl+p, this error occurred wxWidgets Debug Alert dialog ../../src/common/file.cpp(358): assert ""(pBuf != __null) & IsOpened()"" failed in Write(). [in thread 3ff4]
Do you want to stop the program?
You can also choose [Cancel] to suppress further warnings.
Once yes was hit, qc stopped responding entirely and had to be restarted.

~msgScore~: +1

327. Nikola,

Hi Aminiel,
here is what the debug says when trying to stream via the Dropbox generated link:

Playing sound at URL, returned tags:
HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
Playing sound at URL, returned tags:
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Playing sound at URL, returned tags:
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
BASS Error 2 (Couldn't open file)

In addition, the file doesn't download as mustart.ogg which would be the original file name, but rather as "" which is just weird and I am not sure where that comes from.

~msgScore~: +1

328. Aminiel,

Thank you for the report.

I don't understand much better. The URL seems to be three times exactly the same. You are redirected twice and then it is reported as invalid (error 400) ?
I don't understand what's going on and why it's so.

Maybe Dropbox don't want to be used any longer like we have been used to so far ?

Do you have a paid or free Dropbox account ? I wonder if it would changes anything.

Have you observed stream issues with other links, or it occurrs only with Dropbox ?

The file name is just the URL with invalid characters for a file name replaced with dashes. That's extremely basic and it's there only for debugging, I warned you.

But since you finally got an error 400, I presume the download file is empty ? IF not, does it contain more info on the error ? Try renaming it to .txt or .html to see.

~msgScore~: +1

329. sukil,

In case it's useful, it works fine with curl (curl -IL Do you want me to paste the output?

~msgScore~: +0

330. Nikola,

Hi Aminiel,

I don't understand much better. The URL seems to be three times exactly the same. You are redirected twice and then it is reported as invalid (error 400) ?

My impression was that you might not be handling the redirection, but if it's redirecting indeed to the same URL then yes, quite strange.

Maybe Dropbox don't want to be used any longer like we have been used to so far ?

That's also possible, but:

  1. As I said, these streams all work with no issues in V2.
  2. I have also tried some other programs with mixed results. For example, the stream works in RS Games, though from what I have seen, they use a much older bass version, more on that and why it is important a little later.

Do you have a paid or free Dropbox account ? I wonder if it would changes anything.

Same with both paid and free accounts.

Have you observed stream issues with other links, or it occurrs only with Dropbox ?

So far, this seems to be happening only with Dropbox links. I don't have any others I could try with a similar pattern, ie those which redirect to another URL with a valid audio file.

But since you finally got an error 400, I presume the download file is empty ? IF not, does it contain more info on the error ? Try renaming it to .txt or .html to see.

The downloaded file is unfortunately 0 KB and completely empty.

Now, for some additional testing.
What @Esialb says on the French forum is actually completely correct, at least in regards to the Bass version.
That's a test I did a few days ago. So, try this.
The currently used Bass version by the client appears to be
In the client folder, there is a file called bass-old.dll, which is version
Replace the current one with that one.
Now, unfortunately, we can't make the test with the same file as it is OGG, and I think you might need the old version of the BassOgg plugin too which I don't have at the moment.
However, we can stream an MP3 file.
Try this link, just a small recording of a Crazy party minigame.
Now, something even more strange, the debug still says the error 400 bad request, but the file streams and plays perfectly fine.

Of course, now you should put the new Bass version back to avoid issues, and test and see that the same stream now won't work.

I unfortunately don't know of any other program using this exact same Bass version as QC3 to test further, but it could effectively be a Bass bug.

Those are the results of my testing.
Sorry for the long post.

~msgScore~: +1

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