how to take off in Eurofly3

21 Nachrichten, 1 Seiten:  1 ↖ Zurück zur Themenliste

~msgScore~: +8

1. davidhs1200,

Hi, my English is not so good for listening to videos and I prefer to read because then I understand better. The problem is that Eurofly3 does not have a written manual. Can someone please send a short guide on how to take off/land in Eurofly3? It will help me a lot. Another question, how much fuel should be filled in the fuel tank?

~msgScore~: +1

2. Nikola,

if you press Alt+H while on the plane, it will open the help screen. Not only does it have the shortcuts available, but if you tab, it lets you learn the sounds, and most importantly, find an edit box with the checklist.
That list contains the important items you have to keep in mind for a successful takeoff. Read through that and make sure to perform the steps.

Finally, this is a very early beta. Please be patient for more community resources to become available. Most likely there will be something in your language community as well, if you are having difficulties with English.

~msgScore~: +2

3. davidhs1200,

Yes, but in my country only 3 people curse me know the audio games so there won't be anything in my language soon. I just need someone to explain to me how to take off and land, if the rest I'll be fine

~msgScore~: +0

4. thePleyroom,

Here are the steps you can follow to take off:

  1. Turn on the required systems. First, you will need to turn on the battery using Control Shift B. Then, activate the computer with Control Shift K, storm radar with Control Shift S, and lights with Shift D, Shift S, and Shift K. Activate the communicator with Control Shift G, the transponder with Control Shift T, and the radio with Control Shift F.
  2. Adjust your radio and plan the flight. Go to your airport properties by pressing Shift Enter. Check the frequency of the approach control tower by scrolling down the list with the down arrow. Press Escape to exit this list, then press Alt F and type in the approach frequency. Press Ctrl F8, choose your destination by exploring with the arrows and selecting with the space bar. Press F1, enter on plan, review the plan, tab to the "Request Flight" button, and click it. Go to flight properties with Control Enter, tab to the flight plan, and check the required amount of fuel with the down arrow. Back out of this menu, press Control E, and enter a little more than the required amount of fuel.
  3. Configure the engine and flaps. Press Page Up to start the engine, Ctrl Shift C for TCAS, Control Shift Q for temperature control, Control Shift E for the stall indication system, and Control Backspace for the sensor. Press Control Enter to access your flight properties, check the current takeoff speed, and the minimum flaps required. Exit this menu, press Control F, and set the flaps to the minimum required amount.
  4. Ask permission and take off. Press F1 again, and press Enter on takeoff. Once cleared, press Shift O to open the hangar doors. Wait until they open, press B to disengage the parking brakes, Control B to fasten your seatbelt, and press Alt Home to set engins to full power. Monitor the speed by pressing R. Once it exceeds your takeoff speed, press Control Delete to maintain the speed and press the down arrow to lift your nose. Monitor the nose position by pressing T; do not exceed a 10-degree angle.
  5. Configure the aircraft for cruising. When you hear "takeoff successful," press Control F, set flaps to 0, and press Enter. Immediately press Alt Home to give full power to the engine. The tower should instruct you on the climb altitude. Check your altitude by pressing Y; when you reach the instructed height, press T twice quickly to level your aircraft (nose angle should read 0).
  6. Note: If the tower mentions climbing to 98, it means 980. Add a zero to whatever height is given.

These steps assume you have selected training from the main menu and an airport for the first time, and you are a complete beginner to the game.

This procedure should work for the first 10 flights. Afterward, you need to taxi on the ground to align with the runway and take off from there.
If you are not in the hangar, check your facing and coordinates to ensure enough room for takeoff. Verify the minimum runway length required in airport properties. If anything is unclear or you need help with taxiing, feel free to PM me.

PS: maybe I'll write about landing another time.
PPS: you also need to enter the transponder code into the transponder when your flight plan is accepted by the tower. do this with alt T

~msgScore~: +2

Zuletzt geändert von thePleyroom, Jan 23 2024 15:05:46

5. davidhs1200,

Thank you very much, I did it. I have a problem every time I press "O" a list of the countries next to me opens. How to fix it? I think I accidentally clicked on something, that's why it's like this

~msgScore~: +1

6. Nikola,

It's normal, that is what the O key is supposed to do. It reports the hangar door status, but only when you are inside it. Outside of it, it does just what you got.

~msgScore~: +1

7. davidhs1200,

what to do after the take off?

~msgScore~: +0

8. Aidin,

Bismillah. Hello. After the takeoff, you'll have to first press the comma key to check the safe altitude. Eg, if you here 200 m which is 120 m above ground, you need to be at least 200 m above see so you don't hit anything like a mountain or a hill. Before diving deeper, let me explain something. The period (.) key tells your height above ground. It can't be relied apon as the ground isn't flat. It suddenly rizes and then drops due to hills and mountains. The semicolon (;) key says the height of the ground from see level. Not your height, the height of the ground from see level. For example if your press semicolon and it tells 800, this doesn't actually mean that you're 800 M above see. It means that the round below you is 800 Meters above see. and lastly, the z key (In some keyboard layouts, the y key) tells your actual height from see level. It sums the result of pressing the period key (your height from the ground) and the semicolon key (the height above see level for the ground below you). For example, if the period key says 500 and semicolon says 600, the y or z key (depending on your keyboard layout) says 1100 as 500 + 600 results in 1100. So now lets see what the comma key does. If the comma key says 2 KM safe altitude 450 M which is 209 above ground, this means that your y or z key should be at least above 450 as long as your distance from the airport is less than 2 KM. I don't talk above the 209 above ground because I'm not really sure about it. But why should the z key show at least 450? Because there is a mountain, hill, building or .... is around the airport. If you don't climb above that 450, then you may or may not crash into that building or mountain. You'll have to check the safe altitude with the comma key as you get farther from the airport. In addition, you may also want to press control semicolon to check if there is something infront of you so you don't suddenly crash into it. Also, don't forget to press N and control N to find your destination. I know it can be a bit hard or confusing, but you'll get used to it soon.

~msgScore~: +1

9. davidhs1200,

Hi, how to land?

~msgScore~: +0

10. Aidin,

Hello again. I'm really, really sorry for answering late. In order to land, you'll need to contact the destination airport. I think you know how, but I explain it.
when your near the destination airport, press the 9 key to open a combo box which contains a list of radio frequencies in range. Find your destination and enter it's frequency in the radio.
When the tower gives landing clearance, you'll need to do some other things before you can land.
open the plane properties by pressing control enter. Then, check the minimum flap position when landing. Extend the flaps by pressing control f and typing the number. In case of the first plane, it's 2. Flaps decrease your stall spead and help you to take off or land safely. Although setting it to 2 for the first plane is OK, but It is good practice to set it to 3 as flaps will help you stop faster after you land.
Then, try to decrease the throttle preset.
Control + home or end: Increases / decreases throttle preset by one percent.
Shift + home / end: increases / decreases engine power by 10 percent.
Alt + home / end, sets the preset to the maximom / minimum level.
Home / end: increases / decreases engine power by 1%.
Delete: reports information about the engine power and the throttle preset. For example, 51 : Power: 84 / 51 % : Throttle preset 3 : :
By power it means the engine power.
Don't set the engine power to 0 when decreasing speed. I personally set the preset to 0, and then press home 5 times quickly to set the engine power to 5. You can check it via the delete or shift page up keys.
When you reach the current landing speed (in case of the first plane, it's 110), press control delete to keep the speed at 110 or what ever the current landing speed says. Keep in mind that your speed should not decrease below the one that you've just checked.
Then, wait until your zone changes to airport (The game will tell you), and then decend to 20 Meters above ground. Check this with the period key instead of the Z key. When your 20 M or less above ground, wait for a beeping sound. The game will say: main area. At that time, press alt + end and wait for your plane to land!
Then, hold dash (-) (in some keyboard layout, slash (/) key) and wait for your plane to stop. Your flight then gets completed. Just note that if you entered the safety zone, you'll need to go back to the main area for your flight to get completed.
Just one note: When your landing, don't decrease your height to zero. Level your plane by pressing t 2 times quickly. The plane will fall itself when you press alt end.
Sorry for the long answer, but I hope this helps!

~msgScore~: +1

11. davidhs1200,

Sorry bro, I didn't understand anything. Can you write it more neatly? And what to ask the control tower that I'm close to there?

~msgScore~: -1

12. FMGold,

thanks for your efforts in explaining the take off and landing procedures @sky360 and @aidin

~msgScore~: +0

13. thePleyroom,

@davidhs1200 hello! you see, landing isn't as simple as takingoff, before performing a safe landing, you will need to know how to control your plane properly. like how to set the desired course, how to set the desired speed etc. once you have learned both of these, just try to read aden's message a bit more closely. it isn't hard to land as long as you know how to control your aircraft properly. also, landing varies slightly from airport to airport depending on the airports descend path. and which part of the message are you having trouble understanding, if you give more colour on where you're stuck, it will be easier to help you.

~msgScore~: +0

14. davidhs1200,

A. Thanks everyone for the explanations. B,, I was able to understand a little after breaking down the explanation

~msgScore~: +0

15. chameleon,

hi, can some one pls help me with the joystick, i have one but i don't know if i have to use joytokey or if it just show up, if it is just supost to show up it doesn't i don't know what to do

~msgScore~: +0

16. Aidin,

Unfortunately, I don't have a controller myself, but you can watch part 15 of the tutorial series for that.

~msgScore~: +0

17. chameleon,

sadly it don't tell you how to link it only tells you that you can and how to play whin it is in

~msgScore~: +0

18. davidhs1200,

Hi, how to take off after the first 10 flights?

~msgScore~: +0

19. Aidin,

Oh I replied too late again. Sorry. It is really hard. You'll have to listen to part 12 of the eurofly audio tutorial series in YouTube if you are able to. If you can't, well then we should think of another way

~msgScore~: +0

20. nguyen_hoang_anh,

how to play europhli 3? i neat vietnamese because i don't un the sten

~msgScore~: +0

21. nguyen_hoang_anh,

how can play europhli 3?
i don't un the sten on youtube video

~msgScore~: +0

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