Introduce yourself and meet new friends (~LabelOngoing~)

344 Nachrichten, 12 Seiten:  1; 6 78 9 10; 12 ↖ Zurück zur Themenliste

~msgScore~: +71

211. Alien-deholyn,

Hello, this is my first time introducing myself to the English community, well let's get started.
I'm from Panama, where the weather is very crazy all the time.
Three months ago I turned 18, tomorrow I graduated from high school.
I love classical music, movie soundtracks, role playing games and mmorpg games.
I am very shy in large groups, even with my small group of friends of 4 I talk the least, it is easier for me to converse with one person at a time.
I love horror, paranormal themes, everything about aliens, whether they are conspiracy theories, or supposedly real documents about them.
About literature, I love fantasy, some romance and science fiction. Greetings and enjoy the last days of this year

~msgScore~: +0

212. sound2,

Hi alien person, it was nice reading your post. It is nice to meet you. I'm from south Africa. Like music, books, and deep conversations. I understand how it is with the shyness. I'm also shy as well. So get what you mean. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it on this platform.

~msgScore~: +1

213. CREADOR ,

hi. my name is André, i'm 25 years old. My nickname means "world's creator" in English

~msgScore~: +0

214. Goldenfire,

hey. nice to meet you. i am also from Bolivia. was looking around the fórum and found your post. i am a musician and play the electric guitar and
clasic guitar. i also do play a bit of the ukulele and the piano. besides that i am getting in to programming. i don't frequent here as much. but when every you wish we can totally play some games. let me know if you play other games besides qc

~msgScore~: +0

215. sound2,

Hi GoldenFire, nice username.

~msgScore~: -1

Zuletzt geändert von Marina, Apr 12 2024 01:42:34

216. Goldenfire,

thanks. i was wanting to put goldenwarrior. the user that i put in most platforms. but apparently someone already used it.

~msgScore~: +0

217. DB8275,

oh my name, my name, my name is DB8275, and i'm from Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
I love music and Technology.
I like to play audio games, and I love to play farkle.
if anyone have intrested, come and play with
me, farkle.

~msgScore~: +0

Zuletzt geändert von DB8275, Nov 6 2024 15:36:18

218. davidhs1200,

hy, I am David, 15 years old from Israel. I am completely blind and in addition I am disabled in a wheelchair. I like reading books, technology, playing audio games and listen to music. I really like this community because before I entered here I had no friends and I had no self-confidence, and when I entered here I improved in both of these aspects. I'm looking to meet more friends mainly to talk to them, and also play games for fun. Looking for a partner to play baseball in the game survive the wild, and also a partner in the game soundrts

~msgScore~: +0

219. CaptainMcOi,

Hello, I've just created a topic about something else, but I never posted a thing here so here we go. Many might know me, however from the dimencity of this place, some might not. For those who don't, my name is Marc, as many can guess, I'm 17 and live in Norway. I love gaming, playing piano, singing and bathing. Happy to try this thing out after already playing games here time by time since 2020...

~msgScore~: +0

220. sound2,

Hello and welcome. I remember you from elten. Hope this platform will be a good experience.

~msgScore~: -2

Zuletzt geändert von Marina, Apr 12 2024 01:44:42

221. CaptainMcOi,

Thanks for the welcome. Who are you from elten if I might ask?

~msgScore~: +0

222. GeorgeWu,

Hi and welcome. Use Elton as well.

~msgScore~: +0

223. sound2,

I use my real name on there, which is Louisa. I post now and then on the forums.

~msgScore~: +0

224. Bravo,

Hello buddies!
Everyone accept my love and respect from core of my heart.
I am your old friend Rashed from Bangladesh.
But mostly known as Bravo.
And I love to be introduced myself Bravo with everyone at anywhere.
I came back to this game to be more connected with my beloveable friends.
So not thinking about new one.
I came to this forum to read some post and know about others.
I got back some of my close buddies by this post.
Just would like to say, Hi my dears! :)
Always take care and chill. :)

~msgScore~: +1

225. Onisama,

Hi everyone. I'm Steven from Costa Rica. I'm 26 years old.

I work as a para legal assistant in the public Defense office and I just graduated from de law school, so I'm close to be a lawyer, but I have to take an exam to get my license as an atorney.

I'm not sure about what I would like for my future, before staring law I wanted to move to Canada or Europe but in the legal area it's really complicated, I don't rule out to work in the United Nations doe.
If I stay here maybe I would like to be an specialist in administrative law, wich is related with set suits against the State, or something with internacional law and human rights.

I love watching series and movies, for example today I finished the Avatar, the last airbender life action in Netflix and currently watching Percy Jaxon series in Disney.
I also love going to the gym (I try to go 4 to 6 days per week) and reading (last book I read was a novel about samurais in japan in middle age, (I don't know the name in english)

I love learning languages, I speak Spanish, English and a little or portuguese, and I would like to begin learning french.

I don't have so much free time but I love meeting new frends, so it's a pleasure to meet you all. Feel free to chat me if I am online.

~msgScore~: +0

226. Jonathan859,

HI, I am Jonathan, I come from germany. Some of you might know me from elten or some where else. I am not very active on here, but I think this client forum is pretty useful and interesting and a game from time to time can be fun. Feel free to pm if you wanna chat.

~msgScore~: +0

227. hongjun,

Hello! I am hongjun. I am 21 years old and I am from Malaysia.

~msgScore~: +0

228. jesus_09,

Hello, I want to introduce myself for the first time in the English section... my name is Jesus, I am 26 years old and I am Mexican... I am totally blind, I love technology, playing, reading, playing music or listening to it, and languages. ..

~msgScore~: +0

229. Muhammad-Asim,

Hi, me Asim I hope you all well be fine. I am from Pakistan. Nice to meet you all!

~msgScore~: +0

230. GracefulSwallow ,

Hello. i'm Ava from Iran. I'm 24. I love english very much. i'm trying to learn it. I like talk with people in the US and I like to be friend with them. Be happy

~msgScore~: +1

231. glad,

can you tell what are your hobbies or your favorite games. I would like to know more about you. we all can play and enjoy with you.

~msgScore~: +0

232. Marco-Antonio,

hi and welcome for new people. I'm allso an english lover, so i think my favorite language could be mine, or esperanto or maybee, greek.

Btw, i'm cristian from Colombia, however i changed many times my nickname, but i introduced myself some months ago.

But hey, please chat with me if you allso love languages, esperanto and that stuff

~msgScore~: +0

233. MiladMelody,

Hello, This is Milad from Saudi Arabia I like music and talking to people.

~msgScore~: +0

234. sterio,

Hello everyone! I trust you're all doing splendidly! Allow me to introduce myself: I'm a 22-year-old guy from Azerbaijan with a fervent passion for languages, science, and technology. You'll often find me engrossed in books or entranced by the melodies of pop and jazz music. Connecting with friends over shared films or engaging discussions about literature and cultures brings me immense joy. Currently, I fluently speak Azerbaijany, German, English, and Turkish, while eagerly expanding my linguistic horizons with Spanish and Russian. If you're ever inclined to strike up a conversation, whether publicly or privately, please don't hesitate to reach out. Wishing you all a fantastic time ahead!

~msgScore~: +2

235. glad,

nice to meat you. Btw do you play music. I wold like to talk to you.

~msgScore~: +0

Zuletzt geändert von glad, Mar 25 2024 13:19:15

236. MiladMelody,

Hello, I like music and talking to people. I listen to some music from Azarbijan and I really like it can I talk to you?

~msgScore~: +0

237. Robert-smith,

Greetings all; This is Robert, aka Robert Smith or Mert. From the central anatolia region of Turkey. 28 years old and love english a lot. Not just that, but also I love meeting abroad people as much as native. I love listenning to music, singing, researching about sience, planets, stars, etc. good at computer, but not at developing yet. looking for volunteers to teach me the best and easiest programing language.

~msgScore~: +1

238. Marco-Antonio,

hey milad. I like so much music in other languages except mine, cause music in spanish currently sucks.

Don't know nothing about acerbaijan music, so i wanna know. Could you talk me if you want?

~msgScore~: +1

239. MiladMelody,

hello there, I don't blame you I listen to some Spanish music and I only like some older ones and some traditional andI like worldwide music too

~msgScore~: +0

240. Marco-Antonio,

woow, I like very much old music as tango, romantic or that stuff in my language. But honestly reggaetón generaly sucks.

So I listen some grek, turkish world and of course, music in esperanto

~msgScore~: +0

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