NVDA beeping/announcing progress bar updates when playing media files on Windows 11

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~msgScore~: +0

1. supanut2000,

Hi all,
For those of you on Windows 11, when you try playing media files in a media player, does NVDA beep and/or announce progress bar updates (depending on your default progress bar updates setting) as the playback continues?
I've noticed this behavior quite recently, I think as soon as I'm on Windows 11. I'm using PotPlayer BTW, and I'm on NVDA 2022.1.

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2. Mohammedradwan2003,

it happens anywhere, even on 7, but yes.

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3. StormProductions,


I'm using MPC-HC as my player, and here this doesn't happen.
Maybe try switching players. Try MPC-HC.

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4. Disquete,

I just see that on some html5 players, and that regards also older NVDA.

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5. supanut2000,

Hmmm that's interesting.
Right now my workaround is to set up a new NVDA configuration profile for Potplayer and set progress bar updates to none.

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6. Destranis,

MPCHC isn't developed anymore. I'd suggest to try Foobar2000. I just with I had my configuration to custom shortcuts or I wasn't too lazy to set them up again.

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7. StormProductions,

MPC-HC is not developed, you say? The last update, 1.9.21, was released on 15th of April.
Check this out: https://github.com/clsid2/mpc-hc/releases/tag/1.9.21

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8. Sajad-Aliraqi,

I use VLC Media Player. It's the best I think. At least for me

~msgScore~: +0

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