1. Epic_Krrish,
Greetings All,
Since we are almost completing round 1 of Uno league and some players played more and some less, therefore I am posting the match's for week 7 and 8 and players can complete this 2 weeks. Also I will be having exams next weekend and I won't be here to run the unfinished match's on 12 Pm eastern US time. I will be only completing the fail to finish match's on the 9th December at the time fixed. So humble request to the players that don't rush with the match's take your time and spread it over the 2 weeks so that you are occupied during the 2 weeks. Please send me and Fawaz the results by creating a topic for week 7 and 8 and post all the results in only one inbox topic so that it will be easier for us to follow, do not send one by one it just makes it too hard for us to locate all the match's results.
I hope that makes it clear if any questions or queeries then feel free to contact me.
These are the Match's:
Fawaz V MagicalKrrish
Fawaz V Guliwer
Fawaz V Claudiu
MagicalKrrish V Midomidomido
MagicalKrrish V Adventure-time.
Yazan V Keywasfull
Yazan V Me-me
Yazan V Mayank.
Nikola V bastibasti
Nikola V Esctasygirl
Nikola v Mayank.
Waternymph V Policeman1.
Waternymph V Midomidomido
Waternymph V Ashraf.
Waternymph V trixabella666.
Dalibor V Guliwer
Dalibor V Cristina.
Angelina-Princess V Everyone.
Angelina-princess V Claudiu
Angelina-princess V Me-me.
Everyone V Midomidomido
Everyone V Adventure-time.
Guliwer V Policeman1
Guliwer V Ashraf.
BastiBasti V Claudiu
Bastibasti V Badgirl.
Claudiu V Trixabella666
Claudiu V Flavyanu.
Claudiu V Estasygirl.
Claudiu v Adventure-time.
Cristina V Badgirl.
Cristina V Midomido
Cristina V Mayank.
il_bell_ragazzo V esctasygirl
il_bell_ragazzo V Mayank.
Badgirl V Policeman1.
Badgirl V Mayank.
Badgirl V Ashraf.
Keywasfull V me-me
Keywasfull V Midomido.
Keywasfull V esctasygirl.
Me-me V flavyanu.
Marina7 V Esctasygirl.
Marina7 V adventure-time.
Marina7 V Mayank.
Marina7 V Ashraf.
Trixabella666 V Flavyanu.
Flavyanu V Midomido.
Adventure-time V Ashraf.
Mayank V Ashraf.
Fawaz V Everyone
Fawaz V Policeman1
Fawaz V Adventure-time.
Fawaz V Flavyanu.
MagicalKrrish V Nikola.
MagicalKrrish V Everyone.
Yazan V trixabella666.
Yazan V Ashraf.
Angelina-princess V trixabella666.
Angelina-princess V Policeman1.
Angelina-princess V Ecstasygirl.
Kind regards,
Uno league team.
Score: +0
Last edited by Epic_Krrish, Nov 26 2017 16:19:02