Hosting 7:00 PM UTC one on one February 20 and 21 Cribbage Tournament

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1. ChrisCornell ,

$100 for the winner! Come get that money! edit

Greetings ladies and gents.

Mr.superman and I, ChrisCornell, will be hosting the first Cribbage tournament of 2021, and all are welcome to register and attend!

•Days held: Saturday and Sunday
•Dates held: February 20th and 21th
•Start time both days: 7:00 PM UTC
•Registration cutoff time and date, 11:59 PM UTC on Friday, February 19, 2021.

Because our research has shown that Cribbage is not the most played game on the client, along with the fact that there were some snags with prior Cribbage tournaments hosted in the past, we have decided not to immediately limit the amount of registrations, but to gage the tournament’s format on the tournament’s demand. However, the idea is that if there are at least 16 participants, players will be divided into groups of four, with the top two from each group advancing into the second round. Additionally, the idea exists that the bottom two from each group can continue to play in a losers bracket tournament on Sunday. However, demand for this idea will dictate whether or not such a thing occurs. It’s a no-brainer, however, that the semis and finals of both the winners and losers brackets, (if the losers bracket exists), will definitely be single elimination. It also must be noted that because the amount of registrations is unknown, the tournament format is still in the air, and the number of folks who actually show on the day of tournament cannot be forecasted, that a possible standby list may be created post-registration cutoff date. Please subscribed to this topic so that you can stay caught up on changes to format and standby list possibilities.

Big news
**Just added as of February 17, 2021!**
The tournament's winner will receive a $100 gift card of his choice. The winner may also elect to donate the winnings to QuentinC's Game room.
This is the largest tournament prize give away in QuentinC's Game Room history so don't miss the opportunity!

•All rounds are one v one
•Score limit for all rounds is 121;
•Thinking time limit for all rounds (in order to keep the games moving along), 45 seconds;

REMEMBER! The registration cutoff time and date is 11:59 PM UTC on Friday, February 19, 2021. No registrations will be accepted after that time and date.

Also, the exact tournament format, draws, and standby list will be placed on this topic thread about one hour after the registration cutoff time of 11:59 PM UTC.

If there are fewer than 12 registrations by the registration cutoff time and date, the tournament will not be held, and notification of cancellation will be posted on this topic’s thread.

Depending on tournament’s demand, We might need one or two volunteers to help with table hosting and monitoring. So, please reach out to either Mr.superman or me if you are available to assist.
Also, For questions and comments, please contact either Mr.superman or ChrisCornell, or respond on this exact thread.
Thank you!

Score: +0

Last edited by ChrisCornell , Feb 14 2021 21:51:19

2. YNWA,

If you look up the 2015 and 2016 Cribbage tournaments you will see they went well. It may help you to see who played that game but of course some names could have changed. Not sure you need so many links to be repeated in the same message.

Score: +0

3. ChrisCornell ,

Thanks for the feedback. We got it handled.

Score: +0

4. YNWA,

The point I was making was when I hosted the 2015 cribbage tournament with my fellow hosts that the tournament went very well so where are these "snags" as you claim?

Score: +0

5. Marina,

Hi ChrisCornell,

I would have prefered to do this discussion with you live through f4 but unfortunately did not find you online.
Here are a few suggestions and advices:

  • Since you have announced the tournament only yesterday, I suggest that you give people more time to register and move the tournament to the next weekend instead.
  • Posting the registration link all these times is quite unnecessary and spammy. It also makes the post harder to read, if you allow me I can edit your post and filter them for you.
  • One more thing about the registration link though, you have shared the wrong link. Well it is not that critical but you have shared the edit link instead of the submission link, however since no one has access it puts a button at the top to request editing access.

Score: +0

6. ChrisCornell ,

I appreciate the offer to help with the editing of the post, but that is not needed, as I have edited the post to remove a few instances of the registration link. However, if you could help with running the tables, that help would be much appreciated. As far as moving the tournament, that will not be happening because we already have 8 people registered. Thanks again.

Score: +0

Last edited by ChrisCornell , Feb 15 2021 20:00:29

7. BayBabe,

Looking forward to the crib tournament on saturday and sunday.

Score: +0

8. ChrisCornell ,

So, while we have ten people registered, I am creating a bit more enticement! A $100 gift card goes to the winner! It's the largest prise reward offerred in QuentinC's Game Room history! Come get that money

Score: +0

9. YNWA,

Mmarina offered the best advice in the first place as it gives everybody the best opportunity to join the tournament. Perhaps the recommendations for running tournaments should be amended to include a minimum of 14 days to host a tournament here.

I have seen in the past that some people think hosting tournaments is easy but to host a very good tournament you have to put a lot of hard work into it. Remember not everybody can/will read the forum so you have to find other ways to contact people.

Score: +0

10. Paddy_Irishman,

Don't see why there is outcry because the guy decided to post the tournament at short notice, his post is elloquent enough that I would bet on it that he realises that those who wish to register don't have a lot of time. The OP seems to know what he is doing, in my view at least. Would it have been better to post the tournament earlier? Maybe. But don't see why there needs to be strict guidelines in place as regards events the players create for themselves and each other.
I would strongly encourage the winner to donate this $100 to this wonderful platform, as has been suggested. Can't join the tournament on this occasion but best of luck with it!

Score: +0

Last edited by Paddy_Irishman, Feb 18 2021 17:36:05

11. YNWA,

By your own phrase guidelines are suggestions/help to make things better so adding a suggestion of giving 14 days notice is no big deal and will help increase participation in all tournaments and surely that is not a bad thing for all! There was a "spades post" that had the same issue. It is in everybody's interest that tournaments go well, players organisers and any interested spectator.

Score: +0

12. ChrisCornell ,

YNWA, why do you have to be so opinionated? You're assuming that people don't do the work when organizing a tournament. Do you have recording tech set up in order to oversee an tournament organizors work ethic? I mean, we have the required amount of registered players for the tournament that we set out for in order for the tournament to be held. So, what's it to ya? You're not participating anyway so I don't understand why the hell it's so important to you. Raining on peoples' parade isn't appreciated.

Score: +0

13. YNWA,

What I have said is correct, you had far too many links for your post and that's why you ended up changing it. I am sure that in future you wouldn't give 7 days notice for future tournaments! and if you look at the Spades tournament you will notice it was cancelled which is sad for those that like Spades. As I stated I was talking mostly for future tournaments. I may have entered this tournament had it not been during the football season.

You said Raining on peoples' parade isn't appreciated. but you write our research has shown that Cribbage is not the most played game on the client, along with the fact that there were some snags with prior Cribbage tournaments hosted in the past. I feel you should have not commented on previous tournaments either. I feel once you commented on what happened with previous tournaments. (I hosted one in 2015) I had a right to comment. You did not retract your statement when I added a previous comment.

I hope your tournament does go well and I wish everybody good luck.

Score: +0

14. Adventure-Time,

I personally agree that announcing a tournament seven days before its start isn't very ideal. Compare it with other tournaments out of playroom and internet. I've never seen any competition where you'd get a single week to register, as far as my memory goes. They certainly exist, but usually they're announced early enough so that people have chance to hear about it, adapt their schedule and eventually sign in. And I think it's fair for the players and also what you want, especially if you seek to have at least 16 players and don't want any snags. Anyway, this is no more than a feedback of course, feel free to disagree with me and others and do it your way if it works for you. Personal experience is always the best. Good luck running the tournament.

Score: +0

15. ChrisCornell ,

Mmarina, the main decision maker on the English side of the play room, asked me to change the content of the main post. Had she not said anything, I would not have changed it. I never make changes to things unless I am told by an administrator or a helper to do so, as I am generally my own boss.
With regard to more advanced notice, only after the tournament concludes, will I decide whether more notice is required.
Regarding past Cribbage tournaments, I looked back into the archives and saw a tournament where organizers admitted there were some snags. So, I was not specifically commenting on your tournament. I think you got your feelings hurt and thought that I was talking about yours; I was not.
Anyway, we have 16 registered players now, and I am personally happy with the direction the tournament has taken.

Score: +0

16. YNWA,

you stated "tournaments hosted in the past" meaning more than just one tournament as you later stated and that was the issue. I feel it would have been better to have just focused on your own tournament. All tournaments have their own issues as I am sure you will see. Sometimes those issues aren't always in your hands. People not turning up is just one example.

Personally I hope this tournament does work well as the more tournaments/hosts the better for the PR.

Score: +0

17. ChrisCornell ,

It's clear you want to argue and have a wizzing contest. But since neither one of us are mind readers, and my perception is that you clearly got your feelings hurt, this conversation is counter productive. However, I sincerely appreciate your best wishes for the success of the tournament. Let's move on from this, shall we?

Score: +0

18. Mr.Superman,

Greetings all, here are the brackets and initial matchups for the tournament; if you have any questions or concerns, please contact me via direct message. I will be on to address concerns until at least midnight Edt.
Group1: Somedude, BayBabe, Glitter, Hankerdude. Somedude vs Hankerdude, BayBabe vs Glitter.
Group2: Greazman17, Mohammadddd, Tammylynn, Dave; Greazman17 vs Dave, Tammylynn VS Mohammadddd
Group3: Super_remo, Hispanista_Dolanescu, Basti, Acm1; Super_remo VS Acm1, Hispanista_Dolanescu VS Basti.
Group 4: Fawaz, Mmarina, aerin-sol, Goalballkid; Fawaz VS Goalballkid, Mmarina VS aerin-sol.
The plan is to have the winners and losers of each group play each other, until an ultimate winner of each group is decided. The winners of each group will play on Sunday. We will be contacting everyone after round one to notify them of their next matchup, and the matchups will be posted here as well. Criss and myself will be alternates in case people do not show up.
Thank you all for participating, and may the pegs be with you!

Score: +0

19. ChrisCornell ,

We also forgot to mention that tomorrow at 6:30 PM UTC, we will be opening up a free table entitled Cribbage Tournament. Please join us at that free table so that we can do role call and get the tables started by 7:00 UTC. I am excited to get this party started! LET'S DO IT!

Score: +0

20. YNWA,

I agree but it is interesting to note you have not been free of those same glitches that could happen to anybody who hosts tournaments.

Gl all

Score: +0

Last edited by YNWA, Feb 20 2021 11:02:17

21. Fawaz,

man drop it, the hell.

Score: +0

22. ChrisCornell ,

So, despite tardiness and no shows which we knew was going to occur, the first day of the Cribbage tournament turned out pretty well. All of the matches combined took an hour and a half to complete, and we now have the line up for the semi-finals set for tomorrow at 7:00 PM UTC.

The line up is as follows:
Match 1, supe_remo verses somedude
Match two, Tammylynn verses goalballkid

Also, in order to create more suspense and to make the semis and finals more entertaining and fun, we have decided to make this stage double elimination, allowing for more matches for the four participants.

I genuinely appreciate all of those who attended the first day of the tournament and helped to make it a success. I look forward to tomorrow’s festivities as we work our way toward determining the $100 winner!
Until tomorrow, so long, everyone!

Score: +0

Last edited by ChrisCornell , Feb 20 2021 21:54:19

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