Reschedualing poker tourniment.

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1. hnags1,

Hi everyone. I am going to reschedual the poker tourniment for tomorow at 4 eastern. the game will be no limit bets and raizes with a 20000 stack and a blind of 2 for the big blind. This was originally schedualed for today, but nobody was interisted. If anyone is interisted, anyone is welcome.

Score: +0

2. Marina,


This topic has been closed since you did not follow the rules posted here.
You need to give people at least 4 5 days, preferably a week or more to register, define a clear format and a required number of players with an Elimination process.
Note that tournaments are not meant as a way to say come to play, you can open a table and play at anytime, you do not need to call that a tournament.

Score: +0

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