bug in 99 time limit

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Score: +8

1. elections ,

Hello. I have notice one bug in time limit of 99
suppose if we choose 3 seks time limit, and choose card of 10, or ace, then before we choose + 10 or -10, it will lose the point.
Like in uno, if we choose wilde or wilde draw 4, and in choosing options, there time do not get consumed.
But, here if we choose ace, or 10, during we choose any of the option, that point gets lose.
Kindly fix this bug.

Score: +2

2. spaceship,


Score: +0

3. Northstrider,

Huge plus to notice this huge bug. Hugely skilled developer is requested to fix it hugely quick.

Score: -1

4. elections ,


Score: -1

5. M_A_G_A,

It's not a bug. You're not playing your plus and minus ten quick enough. Ace is included.

Score: +1

6. Aminiel,


I don't know well if I need to consider that as a bug or as a feature.

On one side, yes, your are right, it's problematic if your turn pass when you are still in the +10/-10 menu, and yes, when the time limit is set to 3 seconds, you have to be very quick to play 10s and aces.

On the other side, it would be a possible way to cheat. You select a 10 in your hand, and then can stay indefinitely on the +10/-10 menu ?
In particular, you can choose to cancel and change your mind, or select again your 10 or your ace and extends the time limit as you wish that way, including if we set another time limit for when you are in the +10/-10 menu.
When one set a time limit, it's supposed to be for your entire turn, including the decision to make +1/+11 or +10/-10.

I realize that the question is the same in uno. Should the time taken to choose the next color be counted against the time limit or not ?
At the time I added the time limit in uno, I answered no. But both point of views are valid. That's not so easy.

What do you all think ? Ideally, it should work the same with all games with time limit.

Score: +1

7. M_A_G_A,

My viewpoint is that the time limit should work the same regardless of how many buttons you have to press in order to play your card. I am further adding that eliminating the time limit in order to play plus tens, minus tens, and aces in 99 helps cheaters. Additionally, I have been a victom of not being able to play the cards mentioned above fast enough with a 3 second time limit, but I enjoy the challenge of being able to get better at playing these cards before the time limit expires. I have an identical opinion regarding Uno as well.

Score: +0

8. elections ,

my opinion is to keep no time limits in the + 10 / -10 menus.
same like uno, these menus should have unlimited time.
I'm saying this because, if we get any emergency work during the game, or any important call, then by these menus we can hold the game for a while.
same opinion I have in uno.
The current time system for uno is good, and I wish same should be applicable to 99.

Score: +0

9. Nikola,

actually, I think it makes perfect sense to keep it different in Uno and in 99, and I will explain why:
In Uno, once you play a wild, the card is already played. There is no longer any way to change your turn, you have already made your decision within the time limit, you only have the extra step of choosing a colour. You also have no benefit at all in keeping the time limit frozen with a wild, since you can't really do anything else but choose a colour.
This isn't so in 99. Once you played a 10 or an ace, you haven't really played it until you choose this extra step. You can still press escape and change your turn.

For a bit, I have considered this a bug myself as well and wanted to mention it, but in the end I finally think that it actually makes sense to keep it this way in 99.
The only way this would make sense, in my opinion, is if you changed the way this works, so that once you play an ace or a ten, the card is already played just like in Uno, but we have to make the choice, with no ability to escape out of it. I don't know if that is a good decision however, since that is a big general gameplay change both for those who do or don't care about the time limit.

Score: +2

10. elections ,

The solution given by @nikola, is very great.
instead of another set of time limit, You can do this.
ones we choose ace, or 10, then we will not get ability to cancel it.
like in uno, we choose wilde, then only we can do is select the colour.
so here also if we click on it, then we only can select +1 or others.

Score: +1

11. lucy_light,

Yeah, actually, on other platforms, if you play a card, there is no thinking back, whether it is one that involves choice or not. Changing your mind might be an option, but not allowing it to happen after you have already pressed the button, it is realistic not to be able to undo.

Score: +0

12. blaise97,

i think this should be keeped how is it now, all make perfectly scence for all the reasons nikola have explenned above. so dont try to fix something not broken lol.

Score: +1

13. M_A_G_A,

Offering a rebuttal, in a regular card game of Uno, after one has played a wild or wild-draw-four card, this person cannot look back at the events of the game by typing page up as he can here in the game room. As a result, by allowing someone unlimited time to choose his card, this encourages the individual who has just played the wild card to conduct cheating actions. I understand the points of others who disagree with me, though.

Score: +0

14. Adventure-Time,

I agree with what was said above, it's better to keep things the way they are now regarding the time limit. It makes sense in uno since playing a wild is irreversible, but choosing a 10 or an ace in 99 is not. I'm not sure whether this is possible or even whether this is a good idea, but perhaps some hotkeys could be implemented to play a 10 or an ace in the desired direction already, say if you press shift+enter on a 10, you automatically add 10 to the total count and don't waste your time choosing either 10 or minus 10 in the menu. Eventually, when the menu opens up, pressing the plus or minus sign there could immediately play the card and add or subtract accordingly. Or lastly, the direction could be set before playing those cards like when playing dominos and pressing l and r. Of course this last thing should be rather optional since many of us is already used to how the game works right now.

Disclaimer: My nickname has nothing to do with time limits.

Score: +1

Last edited by Adventure-Time, Jan 25 2023 11:58:11

15. thePleyroom,

Hello, I completely agree with the arguments presented for why the time shouldn't be frozen when you are in the ten or ase menu. but also. it is not very easy to choose the option we wan't before the time runs out. so I side with adventure-time in adding a functionality to press shift enter if a ten should be played as a minus, and just enter for playing with + also shift enter to play an ase as one and just enter to play it as 11.

Score: +2

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