Incorrect date for older edited forum messages (finished)

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Score: +2

1. Nikola,

during May of this year, there was a small change on the Website which caused a few time display related bugs.

As a result of those bugs, any forum message that was edited before May 15th, 2023, now has the date and time of the last edit exactly the same as the date of the message itself. I might be slightly off on this exact date, but it is probably not so important.
For an example, check our official rules.
The date of the last edit is shown as 17.04.2011 17:11, but this obviously doesn't make any sense, and the minor update of the rules was done much later.

My question is thus, did we lose these real dates for the edits of the forum posts, or is this something that is fixable?

Thank you.

Score: +1

2. Aminiel,


Unfortunately, it looks like the real edit date has been lost. Nothing can be done.

Score: +2

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