Problem with receiving e-mails

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1. Emrah20,

I've noticed a bug. I don't received e-mail notifications about My subscribed topics or posts in the forum.
Please, could You look on It? Or have You same problem?
Thank You.

Score: +0

2. Emerald,

It’s been removed. I forgot why but yeah if you press subscribe it won’t work.

Score: +0

3. Nikola,

just to clarify, it is not that pressing subscribe does not work at all.

If you subscribe to a topic, that topic will be in your subscriptions section.
If you subscribe to a forum, then all the topics of that forum will appear in the same section.

The one that still sends emails is subscribing to your private messages.

This was removed because it generated quite a lot of emails, and the Playroom emails would become flagged as spam, and often more important emails got blocked such as the registrations/password recovery.

Unfortunately, the text that appears to explain the subscriptions was not updated to reflect that removal.

Score: +1

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