null player in reverci (ongoing)

2 messages, 1 pages:  1 ↖ Go back to topic list

Score: +3

1. Spongebob,

log: It's MariaChap's turn.
MariaChap has left the table.
3 people are sitting at the table.
Players: AlirezaDarkk and MariaChap.
Spectators: Spongebob.
The table master is AlirezaDarkk.
AlirezaDarkk says: uh was that a bug
Spongebob says: uhm, yeah?
Spongebob says: save and restore?
The table has been saved!
The table master is now Spongebob.
AlirezaDarkk has left the table.
Welcome to the playroom, version 2024.1.21. 186 players are connected at the moment.
You have joined the table.
You have joined the table.
2 people are sitting at the table.
Players: AlirezaDarkk.
Spectators: Spongebob.
The table master is AlirezaDarkk.
It's null's turn.
AlirezaDarkk says: Can't even save it
AlirezaDarkk has kicked AlirezaDarkk out of the table.
The table master is now Spongebob.
AlirezaDarkk has left the table.
AlirezaDarkk says to Spongebob: invite me?
2 people are sitting at the table.
Players: AlirezaDarkk.
Spectators: Spongebob.
The table master is Spongebob.
You have invited AlirezaDarkk.
AlirezaDarkk says to Spongebob: lol doesn't let me join

Score: +0

2. Mohammedradwan2003,

This bug is amusing.

Score: +0

2 messages, 1 pages:  1 ↖ Go back to topic list

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