shut the boxes: game always ends after 1 turn (solved)

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Score: +2

1. horse,

With default or modified score, the game always ends after one turn. Essentially the score limit is useless right now since there are not multiple turns in play.

Score: +0

Last edited by horse, Jul 23 2024 03:06:20

2. Nikola,

Oops, you can definitely see we've spend a lot of time testing this game, LOL. That's quite a fail, good catch.

Score: +1

3. Emerald,

Yes i did a test and found that too. Quite sad lol.

Score: +0

4. kaiba,

I did a quick test and it seems that the game ends in the first round regardless of the points set for winning. This is strange

Score: +0

5. Aminiel,


This should be fixed now. Thank you for signaling!

Score: +3

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