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Score: +0

1. YNWA,

I played French tarot today And When I played a trump Alesia played the Fool. When a fool is played you would expect someone then to play a high card such as the Queen of Spades but the Bot played a 9 of Spades as you can see in part of the transcript below. Most players would have played the queen first believing that next time Alesia would have only trumps. This gave Alesia an extra 3.5 points. I hope this can be resolved at a later date.

YNWA plays an ace of spades.
It's alesia's turn.
alesia plays the fool.
It's Albatros's turn.
Albatros plays a 9 of spades.
Albatros wins the trick.
It's Albatros's turn.
Albatros plays a 9 of diamonds.
It's your turn.
YNWA plays the 5 of trump.
It's alesia's turn.
alesia plays a 3 of diamonds.
YNWA wins the trick.
It's your turn.
YNWA plays a 2 of spades.
It's alesia's turn.
alesia plays the 1 of trump.
It's Albatros's turn.
Albatros plays a 10 of spades.
alesia wins the trick.
It's alesia's turn.
alesia plays a 5 of diamonds.
It's Albatros's turn.
Albatros plays a 10 of diamonds.
It's your turn.
YNWA plays the 9 of trump.
YNWA wins the trick.
It's your turn.
YNWA plays a 3 of spades.
It's alesia's turn.
alesia plays the 3 of trump.
It's Albatros's turn.
Albatros plays a queen of spades.

Score: +0

2. Aminiel,


You where the taker ?

Score: +0

3. YNWA,

Alesia was bidding for the contract so the bot and I were defenders. I Played the ace of spades and Alesia played the Fool so the bot would have won the trick whatever the bot played. that's why I would have expected it to play the Queen!

Score: +0

4. MRMagenta,

--hmmm. Even if bot played a queen, this points will be also gived to owner of the full. So, bot may really do what they want. But, I agree that it may be better to play queen at thestime

Score: +0

5. YNWA,

You are not Correct Mr Magenta. Your records here show that you have only played a few times this game. If you practise and you take on a contract and play the fool after your oponent has played say an ace of Spades you will see that you will not win the trick! It is true you will not get the 4.5 points for taking the fool as it belongs to the person making the contract but there was an opportunity lost that would have seen alesia not getting her hands on the 3.5 points that she gained later.

Score: +0

6. MRMagenta,

ok, I have readed help and I see that who played the full to the any trick accept last one, the person who played the full get points contained in the trick. So, if help file is rong, then I am rong. But, even if I don't play this game much, that doesn't mean that I don't kno this game.

Score: +0

7. YNWA,

You should keep practising as this game really is worth playing. I just want Aminiel to understant the issue without anybody confusing the issue. We know bots will make errors but I think this is a basic one most players would know.

Score: +0

8. Aminiel,


If Alesia was the taker, then correct, the bot should effectively have saved its queen. As a player that's definitely what I would have done.

From there, additional questions :

  • Have you seen such similar situation when playing with 4 players ?
  • Have you seen such similar situation with another card than the fool ?

The fool is quite a particular card and the standard game is with 4 players, that's probably why at least one of these parameters played on bot's bad decision.

Another thing, wwere it the first time that spade went out in the round ? It can also play a role in bot's decision, and by the way, in that case Alesia might have taken the risk of immediately cutting with the 1 of train.

Score: +0

Last edited by Aminiel, Jun 1 2016 17:38:55

9. YNWA,

I will have to observe what the bot plays with 4 plays as you rightly said you may get a different outcome. In this Game Alesia was attempting to make the contract so I (YNWA) and Albatross were the defenders. In this round the bot had 9, 10 and queen of Spades. I played the Ace and Alesia played The Fool so the bot was the last player to play. the bot as I stated before should Have played the queen as it was worth 3.5 points. Alesia made the contract quite easily so it was not such a big issue but when it is close it will have an effect on the game. I would add that bots have made quite an improvement here over the years and they can't never replicate a human.

below is the whole round so you can see how everything was played out.

Round #5. alesia cuts and Albatros deals the cards.
It's your turn.
Press space to take a contract, or P to pass.
You pass.
It's alesia's turn.
alesia bet a guard.
It's Albatros's turn.
Albatros passes.
alesia bet a guard.
The kitty contains: 4 of spades, jack of diamonds, knight of hearts, king of hearts, 7 of spades and 6 of clubs
It's alesia's turn.
The play of the hand can begin.
It's your turn.
YNWA plays a 2 of diamonds.
It's alesia's turn.
alesia plays a jack of diamonds.
It's Albatros's turn.
Albatros plays an ace of diamonds.
alesia wins the trick.
It's alesia's turn.
alesia plays a king of diamonds.
It's Albatros's turn.
Albatros plays a 4 of diamonds.
It's your turn.
YNWA plays the 4 of trump.
YNWA wins the trick.
It's your turn.
YNWA plays an ace of spades.
It's alesia's turn.
alesia plays the fool.
It's Albatros's turn.
Albatros plays a 9 of spades.
Albatros wins the trick.
It's Albatros's turn.
Albatros plays a 9 of diamonds.
It's your turn.
YNWA plays the 5 of trump.
It's alesia's turn.
alesia plays a 3 of diamonds.
YNWA wins the trick.
It's your turn.
YNWA plays a 2 of spades.
It's alesia's turn.
alesia plays the 1 of trump.
It's Albatros's turn.
Albatros plays a 10 of spades.
alesia wins the trick.
It's alesia's turn.
alesia plays a 5 of diamonds.
It's Albatros's turn.
Albatros plays a 10 of diamonds.
It's your turn.
YNWA plays the 9 of trump.
YNWA wins the trick.
It's your turn.
YNWA plays a 3 of spades.
It's alesia's turn.
alesia plays the 3 of trump.
It's Albatros's turn.
Albatros plays a queen of spades.
alesia wins the trick.
It's alesia's turn.
alesia plays a 6 of diamonds.
It's Albatros's turn.
Albatros plays a knight of diamonds.
It's your turn.
YNWA plays the 6 of trump.
YNWA wins the trick.
It's your turn.
YNWA plays an ace of hearts.
It's alesia's turn.
alesia plays a king of hearts.
It's Albatros's turn.
Albatros plays a 3 of hearts.
alesia wins the trick.
It's alesia's turn.
alesia plays a 7 of diamonds.
It's Albatros's turn.
Albatros plays a queen of diamonds.
It's your turn.
YNWA plays the 10 of trump.
YNWA wins the trick.
It's your turn.
YNWA plays a 5 of spades.
It's alesia's turn.
alesia plays the 11 of trump.
It's Albatros's turn.
Albatros plays the 15 of trump.
Albatros wins the trick.
It's Albatros's turn.
Albatros plays a 5 of hearts.
It's your turn.
YNWA plays a 4 of hearts.
It's alesia's turn.
alesia plays a knight of hearts.
alesia wins the trick.
It's alesia's turn.
alesia plays an 8 of diamonds.
It's Albatros's turn.
Albatros plays the 2 of trump.
It's your turn.
YNWA plays the 12 of trump.
YNWA wins the trick.
It's your turn.
YNWA plays a queen of hearts.
It's alesia's turn.
alesia plays a 2 of hearts.
It's Albatros's turn.
Albatros plays a jack of hearts.
YNWA wins the trick.
It's your turn.
YNWA plays a 6 of spades.
It's alesia's turn.
alesia plays the 13 of trump.
It's Albatros's turn.
Albatros plays the 18 of trump.
Albatros wins the trick.
It's Albatros's turn.
Albatros plays a 10 of hearts.
It's your turn.
YNWA plays a 6 of hearts.
It's alesia's turn.
alesia plays a 7 of hearts.
Albatros wins the trick.
It's Albatros's turn.
Albatros plays a 3 of clubs.
It's your turn.
YNWA plays a king of clubs.
It's alesia's turn.
alesia plays an ace of clubs.
YNWA wins the trick.
It's your turn.
YNWA plays an 8 of spades.
It's alesia's turn.
alesia plays the 21 of trump.
It's Albatros's turn.
Albatros plays the 7 of trump.
alesia wins the trick.
It's alesia's turn.
alesia plays a 9 of hearts.
It's Albatros's turn.
Albatros plays the 8 of trump.
It's your turn.
YNWA plays an 8 of hearts.
Albatros wins the trick.
It's Albatros's turn.
Albatros plays a queen of clubs.
It's your turn.
YNWA plays a 9 of clubs.
It's alesia's turn.
alesia plays a 2 of clubs.
Albatros wins the trick.
It's Albatros's turn.
Albatros plays a 4 of clubs.
It's your turn.
YNWA plays an 8 of clubs.
It's alesia's turn.
alesia plays a knight of clubs.
alesia wins the trick.
It's alesia's turn.
alesia plays a 6 of clubs.
It's Albatros's turn.
Albatros plays a 10 of clubs.
It's your turn.
YNWA plays the 17 of trump.
YNWA wins the trick.
It's your turn.
YNWA plays a king of spades.
It's alesia's turn.
alesia plays the 14 of trump.
It's Albatros's turn.
Albatros plays the 20 of trump.
Albatros wins the trick.
It's Albatros's turn.
Albatros plays a 5 of clubs.
It's your turn.
YNWA plays the 19 of trump.
It's alesia's turn.
alesia plays the 16 of trump.
YNWA wins the trick.
End of the round.
The kitty contains: 4 of spades, 7 of spades, jack of spades, knight of spades, jack of clubs and 7 of clubs
The declarer made 39½ points with 3 oudlers
The contract is met !
alesia gets 114 points
YNWA loses 57 points
Albatros loses 57 points
YNWA: 216.
alesia: -267.
Albatros: 51.

Score: +0

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