1. Mohammedradwan2003,
i discovered that when you stand on publick toilet on super board you can't by it just it says [iblick toilet then go to the next turn
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i discovered that when you stand on publick toilet on super board you can't by it just it says [iblick toilet then go to the next turn
Score: +0
it is not a bug, it is just square, my god isn't that logical
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This is normal. The public toilet is a safe square that nobody can buy, just like the free parking, start, or prison simple visit.
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I hope there is not a bug in the public toilet!
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Be careful or bug could bite off something...
Score: +0
There is indeed a bug in the public toilet itself, which is why no one is allowed to buy it! Waste of money's all that is lad!
Score: +0
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