A curious bug about 1000 miles

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1. Exink,


I have found a funny and curious bug with this great game a few minutes ago.

I have saved the part of the history exactly how happened for know more about this.

Note: This history is translated from the game in spanish to english, so sorry if the words doesn't appear like in the english playroom.

Whatever, here the history:

It's your turn.
You draw a card.
You play a flat card against Goldorak and Ninja Pizza !
It's Ninja Pizza's turn.
Goldorak has done a trick !
Goldorak plays a driving hace card.
It's goldorak's turn.
Goldorak draws a card.
Goldorak plays a spare tire card.
It's your turn.

I have seen this before, but I thought that This has been fixed. For instance, once I was in a team, and one of my partners has played a speed limit card against the other team, and one of them could do a trick playing a driving hace card. But of course, they needed to play a end of speed limit card (Note the spelling)

As an extra information, I was testing the web client using Google Chrome (The latest version), but in the past case, We were using the windows client.

What's the cause of this? Thanks! And merry christmas to all!

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