rummy issues

5 messages, 1 pages: 1  ↖ Go back to topic list

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1. whozitken,

hello during a gme and during a recent turn was trying to extend a combination or combinations. the client wasn't letting me extend when I hit enter it was starting new combinations. so I disconected using alt f4 but when I came back I was kicked from game wouldn't lett me rejoin the game in progress alt f4 kicked me rather than disconnected me game ruined. my friend had to finish with bot something appears buggy with rummy

Score: +0

2. Aminiel,

Sorry, but I don't understand anything. Please explain better, and don't hesitate on using commas, periods and paragraphs.

Score: +0

3. MuhammadHajjar,

If you want to restart the client without losing any game or table, simply press control +shift +delete instead of pressing alt +F4,, this command crashes the client, don't worry, just open again the exe and you will reconnect without any problems, I always do this when I face any bug or problem. hope that helps.

Score: +0

4. Aminiel,

Congratulations, you have found my genious hidden shortcut: the quick crash feature !

Score: +1

5. Exink,

I have three commands, Aminiel, do not surprise:

I hope this helps, of any way... Lol.

Score: +0

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