questions related to stw.

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1. glad,

Hi I thought to create a topic on any questions related to surwive the wild like how to cook, hunt or how to go to places like the cassel or the village.

Score: +0

2. chan,

you can follow blackscreengaming website to learn more.

Score: +0

3. StormProductions,

Chan, unfortunately that resource is pretty outdated as far as I know, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong though.

Score: +1

4. chan,

@StormProductions: yeah, those guides are pretty old, but maps, and other things which are presented in modern stw, did not changed. if you follow that correctly, you can achieve the task which you selected.

Score: +0

5. Sajad-Aliraqi,

I think I would be able to answer most of your questions since I've been playing it for longtime

Score: +0

6. glad,

the maps require to press shift enter but in latest version of stw they have removed the press shift enter to go somewhere.

Score: +0

7. glad,

I have a question in STW how to complete woolf mistory and golden shoos quest. Pleaze let me know

Score: +0

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