admins that's really long

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31. Aminiel,

The point of a forum is to air your views and yes some of them will be strong and hard, some unfair and perhaps some exagerated. Many too will be fair
comment, just and true. It is up to people to make up their own mind. As long as people are not abusive, insulting or plaine nasty then what is the problem.

My goal is of course not to cut off all complains. Nobody is perfect, everybody make errors. This forum is of course also there to take your complains into consideration, so that the playroom can improve. Most of them are justified, this isn't the problem.

The problem is in the repeatition and to the fact that we are turning in circle. After more than 100 answers in 4 or 5 topics, almost all views on the subject have been debated and we are no longer doing any step forward. Each time we have said that we were aware of the problem and that we need time to solve it. So, it becomes kind of useless to keep complaining.

Also where possible try to keep us informed on how you are going as a lack of action previously has not helped your cause.

I'm not a good communicator either, but you are definitely true, we don't communicate enough on what we are doing.

At the same time, it's not easy: if we say that Mayya interviewed XXX and YYY, ZZZ will ask why he/she hasn't been interviewed yet. If we must justify every application, we aren't out. Also, the goal isn't to give false hopes, being interviewed doesn't mean that you will finally be helper.

IF you have applied but you haven't yet been interviewed, it can be just because of a lake of time and you will be in the next days or weeks, or because your application has been rejected. I'm honnestly not able to tell you where you are, Mayya is sorting the applications out.

What I can, I think, safely say at this moment is the following :

  • Yes, we ourselves have difficulties communicating with Mayya currently. This of course doesn't help in being quick and to communicate on what we are exactly doing. This is the fault of no one, on both side we havw busy lives, and there is a technical issue behind it, the unability to use skype between her and us, for strange reasons. I can reassure you, this is really true, and not again a bad excuse; believe me or not but it is so.
  • Mayya has already interviewed a few people and is going to interview some more soon.
  • Out of the people who were interviewed, some have been rejected, and one has been definitely retained but is in a waiting state because we would like to have more than just one person.

I hope that this will reassure you, that we aren't completely inactive.

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32. Exink,

@Aminiel Just some questions:

  1. Where can we send our requests for trying to be a helper?
  2. May we make sure those messages will be read?
  3. Who's going to read the messages if we send them via e-mail, if Mayya doesn't?
  4. Should we send her a permanent message to send such request?

I ask it because I've sent the mine since some months ago without any response.


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33. Marina,

The requests were supposed to be sent from the site through the contact page. And as far as I know, many applications were sent, I don't think you'd have to repeat your application by a permanent message to Mayya, as it will just slow down the work for reading a repeated message.
And, I guess Mayya does her best to read all applications. but they can't tell you whether your application was rejected or not because of complains. Furthermore, if you haven't get any answer it means just 1 of 2 possibilities:

  1. You will either be interviewed soon. (note that if you are already interviewed doesn't mean you're chosen)
  2. Or either your application got rejected.

Hope that helps, Also note that I understood that from Aminiel's previous reply, which had the following lines

>At the same time, it's not easy: if we say that Mayya interviewed XXX and YYY, ZZZ will ask why he/she hasn't been interviewed yet. If we must justify every application, we aren't out. Also, the goal isn't to give false hopes, being interviewed doesn't mean that you will finally be helper. IF you have applied but you haven't yet been interviewed, it can be just because of a lake of time and you will be in the next days or weeks, or because your application has been rejected. I'm honnestly not able to tell you where you are, Mayya is sorting the applications out. What I can, I think, safely say at this moment is the following :

  • Mayya has already interviewed a few people and is going to interview some more soon.
  • Out of the people who were interviewed, some have been rejected, and one has been definitely retained but is in a waiting state because we would like to have more than juse person.

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Last edited by Marina, Sep 6 2015 11:18:02

34. Cristina ,

Lol! The terms: forum and circus come from the romans who created those places with different roles. And let me tell you guys that unfortunately this place often looks being an circus instead of a forum what was supposed to be. So, choose to behave as they did in the forum instead of being an actor or spectator or even a hurted victim in the circus. smile

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35. LaraStardust,

@aminiel yeah, fair point on the contact thing threw skype there. Though personally, I'd tell zzz they were rejected, tough love. ROFL

and christina... hwa?

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36. Cristina ,

Lol dardar, what point didn't you get from my posting?

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37. LaraStardust,

well i didnt get the point of it, at all really, and just wha? rofl

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38. gaurasuryavanshi,

agree with aminiel we should stop this and we should wait, if we want our things to be done, we should stop creating a topics a lot of times, I am tired of explaining this and I am totally agree with aminiel/

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39. wolfi,

don't worry, we got a new helpers, now we're good thanks admins.

greedings :)

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40. NovaLenada ,

These admins are just awesome :)

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41. wolfi,

agree lol

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42. LaraStardust,

out of curiosity who's the new helper

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43. Riad,

They're Mayank and Marina.

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44. Cristina ,

Oh, I was sure of Marina and forgot of Mayank. Smile. Anyway it was the best choosing what the admins could make ever. Congratulation to all of you guys and I am sure that the english server will be ok now.

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45. YNWA,

Well Done Mayank and Marina my old sevrnrnrnrnrnrnrn? and I am sure you will both do an excellent job and it is good to see they have got something right at last. Pity it took so long as this should have been sorted even before I came here 3 years ago. It was sad that I had to write so many articles to get people going but least the end justifies the means. At the end of the day it is the people in the Playroom I care more about and not about my own interests!

If both of you need any advice or suggestions you kno where I am!

All I can say for the rest of you is give them time to settle in as they are new to the job and don't expect too much too soon. If you do this then you will be rewarded 100 fold!

Good luck Mayank and Marina7



You'll Never Walk Alone!

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46. CathyAnne,

Well, that is great that we got new helpers. However, there ought to be a way to reach these people by phone if you can't seem to get to them online.

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47. LaraStardust,

absolutely not. USe the perminant messagee feature

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48. Exink,

USe the perminant messagee feature.

Well man, anyhow I don't know if you've realized that there's a bug in the permanent messages' feature; when you send the message, there's a line break at the end of the history and the message isn't sent.

I thought it only happened if you try to send the message to a person who's not in the friends list, but it is the same for each person. I checked it while one of my friends tried to send me a text with the playroom.

I have no idea how often it can occur, I only tell this to let it know to the admins and so they can fix this little issue. Note that the permanent message sometimes works, and sometimes not; maybe it's just about luck. :D.

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Last edited by Exink, Sep 10 2015 18:37:53

49. Marina,

the subject of your message has to be more than one word that's why, try it next time and tell me about it :)

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