Decklist of the Playroom Exploding Kittens Game

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1. imprisonedindarkness,

Hi Guys! Can someone point me to where I can view the decklist of the playroom exploding kittens game? I looked for it in the site but didn't find anything. Thanks in advance!

Score: +0

2. Nikola,

it depends what you mean by deck list:

  • If you mean a list of cards used in the game, you may find that in the Exploding kittens rules, under the heading "Cards."
  • If you mean the number of copies of each card, this isn't published anywhere (other than the exploding kitten of course), and that number varies depending on the number of players participating in the game.

Score: +0

Last edited by Nikola, Jan 26 2025 22:07:48

3. imprisonedindarkness,

Yes, the number of copies of each cards. As far as I understood it, the only card that is changing in number of copies is the exploding kitten card, so I want to see exactly how many each cards copy are there.

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