NVDACon 2016 first half keynote presentation events

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1. Sajad-Aliraqi,

Hi all,
Just a short report on the first half of the NVDACon:
·         Maximum number of attendees: we had about 27 people attend the open forum.
·         Conference archive: Lightning Talk I (Dictation Bridge) has been archived, and Michael Hansen, our audio engineer is working on open forum and F123Access sessions. The second day events (such as add-ons festival) are being edited as we speak. I expect the archives of the first half of the conference would be ready just in time for keynote presentation.
·         Keynote presentation events: For keynote presentation, people will be asked to use the website link to join us. A few minutes before the presentation starts, in order to create the conference atmosphere, I’ll play a music in the Keynote Auditorium channel (that also includes a voiceover saying, “welcome to NVDACon keynote presentation; the presentation will start shortly.” I believe this is a first in NVDACon history that we’re doing this. Also, before Mick and Jamie are introduced, a mysterious audio file will be played (please ask me offlist about this mysterious file and Project Thunderstorm).
Thank you.

Score: +0

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