This summer's Uno Tournament!

35 messages, 2 pages:  12 ↖ Go back to topic list

Score: +0

31. Raki,

Hi Cathy,
"The tournament will begin at 1400 GMT, 10 A.M. Eastern, 3 P.M. UK, 4P.M. Egypt and 5P.M. Turkey."
I think I put the P.m's and A.M's there, maybe the different times confused you?

Score: +0

Last edited by Raki, Jun 28 2016 02:24:10

32. musiclover,

ami in

Score: +0

33. fire-starter,

when will it be in dutch time?
kind regards,

Score: +0

34. Raki,

Hey, it'll start at 4PM Duch time.

Score: +0

35. fire-starter,

oh, that will be ok i think

Score: +0

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