true or false, reloaded version

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Score: +0

301. Mastani ,

False. The next person is not feeling good today.

Score: +0

302. anonymous ,


Score: +0

303. Mastani ,

The next person is extreemly tired.

Score: +0

304. ElCamareroDesencamaronilizado ,

true. the next person likes burger

Score: +0

305. Rory101,

hell yeah! the next person likes to play trick taking games on the playroom

Score: +0

306. phoenix_rising,

falseeee. I don't know how to do that xd. the next person loves the chocolate

Score: +0

307. Alan1003,

true true true true true true true! the next person will host scroling battels pro, rofl.

Score: +0

308. Rory101,

no. I don't care for that game nor it's derivatives. The nexte person's wifi is too slow. (That's me!)

Score: +0

309. phoenix_rising,

true trueeeee! my wi-fi is very slow today xd. the next person was sleeping 2 hours ago.

Score: +0

310. Mastani ,

False. I was attending classes. The next person will go to sleep after two hours.

Score: +0

311. Rory101,

i think so because i am so tired xd. The next person likes to play team-based games with their friends versus some bots

Score: +0

312. Mastani ,

False. The next person has a lot of knowledge about Astronomy.

Score: +0

313. Frosty,

false, not a lot of. the next person wants to punch someone

Score: +0

314. phoenix_rising,

true! it's totally true! the next person wants to eat something right now

Score: +0

315. Mastani ,

False. Just had lunch. The next person has science class now.

Score: +0

316. Rory101,

false, I had it earlier today though. The next person likes to play the little exam, and, extra question, the next person likes to type hilarious answers into it, that's a lot of fun IMO! roflflflflf

Score: +0

317. anonymous ,

first true, second false. The next person is not quite well prepared for his/her exam tomorrow, which is history.

Score: +0

318. Mastani ,

False. I don't have any exam tomorrow.The next person likes the new ducks race board.

Score: +0

319. la_serpiente ,

true. the next person speaks spanish

Score: +0

320. Rincewind ,

Falso! The next person knows what a saxophone lookks like

Score: +0

321. la_serpiente ,

true. the next person loves flies

Score: +0

322. Mastani ,

False. The next person is a drummer.

Score: +0

323. sandrius,

false the next person speaks 4 languages

Score: +0

324. la_serpiente ,

maybe. the next person loves you xd

Score: +0

325. StormProductions,

False lol.
The next person is going to sleep now. 1 AM here.

Score: +0

326. sandrius,

true i am very tired today.
The next person is friendly

Score: +0

327. Rory101,

well I would hope so. The next person prefers team games rather than individual games.

Score: +0

328. Mastani ,

True. the next person is in a class now.

Score: +0

329. phoenix_rising,

false. the next person prefers individual games rather than team games.

Score: +0

Last edited by phoenix_rising, Oct 7 2020 05:14:12

330. Rory101,

false. The next person couldn't be bothered doing their last zoom meet for the day of online learning (that's me, my connection definitely cut out in the middle of it, like definitely. Absolutely! Hey don't look at me!)

Score: +0

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