Statistics: 6 takes

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General game statistics of 6 takes

Last reset: Feb 15 2014 14:29:07

Number of games played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Total 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0
Number of rounds played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Deutsch 321 (29.32%) 774 (70.68%) 1 095 (0.2%)
English 42 444 (28.24%) 107 862 (71.76%) 150 306 (27.54%)
Español 3 364 (2.69%) 121 558 (97.31%) 124 922 (22.89%)
Français 5 777 (2.49%) 226 106 (97.51%) 231 883 (42.49%)
Italiano 449 (3.67%) 11 800 (96.33%) 12 249 (2.24%)
Português 2 574 (14.99%) 14 599 (85.01%) 17 173 (3.15%)
русский 786 (10.45%) 6 733 (89.55%) 7 519 (1.38%)
Srpski 20 (3.85%) 499 (96.15%) 519 (0.1%)
Total 55 735 (10.21%) 489 931 (89.79%) 545 666

Statistics Any language Any bots

Number of rounds and games played
  Total Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
Games32 7158.156.72243.12 959
Rounds545 721135.2946.14 05549 367
Rounds in finished games222 27055.05385.41 65220 107

Approximatively 40.73% of the games are played to their end, while 59.27% seem to be interrupted in the middle.

Duration of rounds :

Options usage

Most addicted players

This ranking lists the players who played the most rounds and games since the last reset.

  1. Poussinette: 101 192 rounds played
  2. rose35590: 33 138 rounds played
  3. malala: 25 971 rounds played
  4. Epic_Krrish: 17 558 rounds played
  5. Raki: 12 059 rounds played
  6. Gaia: 11 916 rounds played
  7. Ryan_K : 10 742 rounds played
  8. garis: 10 000 rounds played
  9. Price14: 8 122 rounds played
  10. Mayank : 7 900 rounds played
  11. Rincewind : 7 635 rounds played
  12. josephmercado: 7 509 rounds played
  13. exatropic: 7 430 rounds played
  14. Marie-Claude: 6 715 rounds played
  15. lagamine: 6 708 rounds played
  16. Ryo-Bee: 6 660 rounds played
  17. fifi69: 6 004 rounds played
  18. alonso: 5 825 rounds played
  19. undertaker: 5 636 rounds played
  20. du30: 5 427 rounds played
  21. garden-lady: 4 655 rounds played
  22. Angelina-princess: 4 456 rounds played
  23. Dauphinou41: 4 032 rounds played
  24. Naday: 3 765 rounds played
  25. mamidan: 3 577 rounds played
  26. Lemonade: 3 339 rounds played
  27. mauriciopan: 3 329 rounds played
  28. Rincewind: 3 273 rounds played
  29. vikttoria: 3 027 rounds played
  30. beedle: 3 010 rounds played

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