Statistics: Mexican Train

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General game statistics of Mexican Train

Last reset: Oct 12 2018 21:00:00

Number of games played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Total 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0
Number of rounds played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Deutsch 178 (14.75%) 1 029 (85.25%) 1 207 (0.11%)
English 89 556 (21.36%) 329 797 (78.64%) 419 353 (39.57%)
Español 21 489 (9.71%) 199 881 (90.29%) 221 370 (20.89%)
Français 17 775 (7.45%) 220 857 (92.55%) 238 632 (22.52%)
Italiano 3 075 (5.1%) 57 248 (94.9%) 60 323 (5.69%)
Português 10 416 (16.92%) 51 146 (83.08%) 61 562 (5.81%)
русский 19 228 (34.92%) 35 828 (65.08%) 55 056 (5.19%)
Srpski 239 (10.07%) 2 135 (89.93%) 2 374 (0.22%)
Total 161 956 (15.28%) 897 922 (84.72%) 1 059 878

Statistics Any language Any bots

Number of rounds and games played
  Total Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
Games154 58469.26484.92 07825 298
Rounds1 059 878474.93 32414 247173 454
Rounds in finished games718 099321.82 2529 653117 520

Approximatively 67.75% of the games are played to their end, while 32.25% seem to be interrupted in the middle.

Duration of rounds :

Options usage

Most addicted players

This ranking lists the players who played the most rounds and games since the last reset.

  1. Magie: 28 193 rounds played
  2. hada: 19 360 rounds played
  3. silviayotto: 17 686 rounds played
  4. hebinka: 16 673 rounds played
  5. freespirit: 15 440 rounds played
  6. sumaah: 15 060 rounds played
  7. albinuta2: 12 909 rounds played
  8. love2win: 12 811 rounds played
  9. sakinoyuncu: 12 210 rounds played
  10. joselu: 12 000 rounds played
  11. m.g.maria: 10 929 rounds played
  12. smartrc: 10 605 rounds played
  13. CorruptedCreativity: 10 306 rounds played
  14. pinguino: 9 952 rounds played
  15. karolina-yana: 9 290 rounds played
  16. Dojdik: 8 583 rounds played
  17. Tonybesac25: 8 514 rounds played
  18. iuli45: 8 372 rounds played
  19. mari: 8 321 rounds played
  20. fakir: 7 984 rounds played
  21. jose: 7 583 rounds played
  22. Nataliya: 7 562 rounds played
  23. Lotus: 7 399 rounds played
  24. kiraly: 7 357 rounds played
  25. sansonnettes: 7 234 rounds played
  26. mihalych: 7 219 rounds played
  27. Zarema: 7 067 rounds played
  28. Andrea07: 6 779 rounds played
  29. Poussinette: 6 737 rounds played
  30. pistachio: 6 570 rounds played

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