Statistics: Barbu

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General game statistics of Barbu

Last reset: Oct 4 2020 00:00:00

Number of games played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Total 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0
Number of rounds played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Deutsch 0 (0%) 908 (100%) 908 (0.27%)
English 3 950 (5.95%) 62 444 (94.05%) 66 394 (19.9%)
Español 234 (0.5%) 46 864 (99.5%) 47 098 (14.12%)
Français 3 201 (3.1%) 100 169 (96.9%) 103 370 (30.98%)
Italiano 1 028 (3.09%) 32 191 (96.91%) 33 219 (9.96%)
Português 2 860 (4.07%) 67 325 (95.93%) 70 185 (21.03%)
русский 260 (2.22%) 11 446 (97.78%) 11 706 (3.51%)
Srpski 31 (3.93%) 757 (96.07%) 788 (0.24%)
Total 11 564 (3.47%) 322 104 (96.53%) 333 668

Statistics Any language Any bots

Number of rounds and games played
  Total Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
Games18 73212.4186.85372.24 532
Rounds333 6682211 5476 63180 725
Rounds in finished games267 918177.51 2425 32464 818

Approximatively 80.29% of the games are played to their end, while 19.71% seem to be interrupted in the middle.

Duration of rounds :

Options usage

Most addicted players

This ranking lists the players who played the most rounds and games since the last reset.

  1. discreto: 1 182 games played
  2. gangster: 1 019 games played
  3. amadeu: 950 games played
  4. pascool: 603 games played
  5. kairi: 583 games played
  6. Roucoucou: 578 games played
  7. adiger: 557 games played
  8. pintassilgo: 427 games played
  9. princesse: 412 games played
  10. quibat: 404 games played
  11. Kami: 392 games played
  12. bobinette: 376 games played
  13. caniche-rose: 361 games played
  14. scoubidou: 350 games played
  15. michelino: 344 games played
  16. coffee-lover: 339 games played
  17. mermelada: 279 games played
  18. Macphisto: 224 games played
  19. alli: 214 games played
  20. miklg56: 213 games played
  21. jalaska: 198 games played
  22. infiltrado: 196 games played
  23. Hasta-el-fin: 184 games played
  24. maicol55: 182 games played
  25. sofi53: 167 games played
  26. lluss: 166 games played
  27. sansonnettes: 163 games played
  28. korent: 158 games played
  29. ane_lluss: 155 games played
  30. maiden666: 154 games played

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