Statistics: Battleship

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General game statistics of Battleship

Last reset: Feb 15 2014 14:29:07

Number of games played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
1 (100%) 0 (0%) 1 (0%)
Deutsch 177 (2.45%) 7 041 (97.55%) 7 218 (7.43%)
English 6 275 (20.9%) 23 752 (79.1%) 30 027 (30.91%)
Español 7 562 (27.05%) 20 394 (72.95%) 27 956 (28.78%)
Français 1 560 (11.22%) 12 338 (88.78%) 13 898 (14.31%)
Italiano 1 022 (12.54%) 7 130 (87.46%) 8 152 (8.39%)
Português 1 974 (26.08%) 5 596 (73.92%) 7 570 (7.79%)
русский 531 (25.48%) 1 553 (74.52%) 2 084 (2.15%)
Srpski 13 (8.33%) 143 (91.67%) 156 (0.16%)
Total 19 115 (19.69%) 77 947 (80.31%) 97 062
Number of rounds played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
1 (100%) 0 (0%) 1 (0%)
Deutsch 177 (2.45%) 7 041 (97.55%) 7 218 (7.43%)
English 6 275 (20.9%) 23 752 (79.1%) 30 027 (30.91%)
Español 7 562 (27.05%) 20 394 (72.95%) 27 956 (28.78%)
Français 1 560 (11.22%) 12 338 (88.78%) 13 898 (14.31%)
Italiano 1 022 (12.54%) 7 130 (87.46%) 8 152 (8.39%)
Português 1 974 (26.08%) 5 596 (73.92%) 7 570 (7.79%)
русский 531 (25.48%) 1 553 (74.52%) 2 084 (2.15%)
Srpski 13 (8.33%) 143 (91.67%) 156 (0.16%)
Total 19 115 (19.69%) 77 947 (80.31%) 97 062

Statistics Any language Any bots

Number of rounds and games played
  Total Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
~Games~97 13126.1182.7782.99 531

Duration of games :

Options usage

Most addicted players

This ranking lists the players who played the most rounds and games since the last reset.

  1. clausi12: 3 038 games played
  2. franciermysister17: 1 064 games played
  3. Roucoucou: 775 games played
  4. Malie24: 707 games played
  5. romer: 675 games played
  6. Arya: 617 games played
  7. antonino66: 592 games played
  8. fabio: 534 games played
  9. Todorina: 474 games played
  10. donRicardo: 473 games played
  11. gjoko: 451 games played
  12. FifiBrindacier: 401 games played
  13. ckimnbay: 386 games played
  14. misterjungle: 378 games played
  15. joselu: 352 games played
  16. mermelada: 347 games played
  17. domatricedishirehorse: 335 games played
  18. oscarlinde23: 331 games played
  19. galocego: 330 games played
  20. ivan1985: 328 games played
  21. calimero36: 320 games played
  22. luzmy72: 315 games played
  23. HermioneGranger: 309 games played
  24. TheKingandI: 293 games played
  25. Ilcavalieretemplare: 292 games played
  26. edgardosanchez: 288 games played
  27. borges: 287 games played
  28. lariegeois: 277 games played
  29. exequiel: 259 games played
  30. barbuz87: 257 games played

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