Statistics: French tarot

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General game statistics of French tarot

Last reset: Feb 15 2014 14:29:07

Number of games played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
Deutsch 9 (2.33%) 377 (97.67%) 386 (1.66%)
English 467 (23.32%) 1 536 (76.68%) 2 003 (8.61%)
Español 3 (1%) 297 (99%) 300 (1.29%)
Français 932 (4.74%) 18 718 (95.26%) 19 650 (84.47%)
Italiano 0 (0%) 385 (100%) 385 (1.65%)
Português 0 (0%) 51 (100%) 51 (0.22%)
русский 1 (0.21%) 482 (99.79%) 483 (2.08%)
Srpski 0 (0%) 4 (100%) 4 (0.02%)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
Total 1 412 (6.07%) 21 850 (93.93%) 23 262
Number of rounds played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
1 (20%) 4 (80%) 5 (0%)
Deutsch 100 (0.94%) 10 506 (99.06%) 10 606 (3.34%)
English 3 187 (10.68%) 26 643 (89.32%) 29 830 (9.38%)
Español 38 (0.55%) 6 846 (99.45%) 6 884 (2.17%)
Français 8 209 (3.15%) 252 213 (96.85%) 260 422 (81.92%)
Italiano 14 (0.24%) 5 940 (99.76%) 5 954 (1.87%)
Português 0 (0%) 1 219 (100%) 1 219 (0.38%)
русский 5 (0.18%) 2 816 (99.82%) 2 821 (0.89%)
Srpski 3 (1.86%) 158 (98.14%) 161 (0.05%)
0 (0%) 1 (100%) 1 (0%)
Total 11 557 (3.64%) 306 346 (96.36%) 317 903

Statistics Any language Any bots

Number of rounds and games played
  Total Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
~Games~23 2636.2543.73187.42 282
~Rounds~317 90785.38597.72 56131 185
~RoundsInFinishedGames~176 31747.35331.51 42117 296

Approximatively 55.46% of the games are played to their end, while 44.54% seem to be interrupted in the middle.

Duration of rounds :

Options usage

Most addicted players

This ranking lists the players who played the most rounds and games since the last reset.

  1. alli: 39 698 rounds played
  2. mimiberthe: 35 065 rounds played
  3. chipss : 10 254 rounds played
  4. Patcarbo: 9 677 rounds played
  5. juliencorto: 9 125 rounds played
  6. beauvaisien: 7 315 rounds played
  7. orangina : 6 407 rounds played
  8. chipss : 4 889 rounds played
  9. richard-coeur-de-lyon: 4 269 rounds played
  10. randylechevalierdemalte: 4 141 rounds played
  11. bobinette: 4 136 rounds played
  12. alesia: 4 102 rounds played
  13. bill: 3 719 rounds played
  14. zenn: 3 687 rounds played
  15. dumbolatrompette: 3 648 rounds played
  16. koko: 3 567 rounds played
  17. sinao: 3 521 rounds played
  18. michel.BERTHE: 3 499 rounds played
  19. ponponnette: 3 352 rounds played
  20. antcap: 3 193 rounds played
  21. jimi64: 3 169 rounds played
  22. michka: 2 624 rounds played
  23. Tita: 2 551 rounds played
  24. maradona: 2 481 rounds played
  25. lelorrain13: 2 414 rounds played
  26. Katari: 2 280 rounds played
  27. aurel: 2 200 rounds played
  28. Guitare: 2 200 rounds played
  29. balout47: 2 185 rounds played
  30. renard: 2 158 rounds played

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