Statistics: Hearts

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General game statistics of Hearts

Last reset: Mar 4 2017 21:00:00

Number of games played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
Deutsch 1 (14.29%) 6 (85.71%) 7 (0.01%)
English 2 663 (13.44%) 17 146 (86.56%) 19 809 (35.97%)
Español 722 (14.02%) 4 429 (85.98%) 5 151 (9.35%)
Français 680 (4.66%) 13 900 (95.34%) 14 580 (26.48%)
Italiano 312 (6.1%) 4 800 (93.9%) 5 112 (9.28%)
Português 255 (3.04%) 8 123 (96.96%) 8 378 (15.21%)
русский 296 (14.61%) 1 730 (85.39%) 2 026 (3.68%)
Srpski 2 (40%) 3 (60%) 5 (0.01%)
Total 4 931 (8.95%) 50 137 (91.05%) 55 068
Number of rounds played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
0 (0%) 1 (100%) 1 (0%)
Deutsch 12 (8.82%) 124 (91.18%) 136 (0.02%)
English 24 318 (11.36%) 189 677 (88.64%) 213 995 (36.16%)
Español 7 345 (13.48%) 47 150 (86.52%) 54 495 (9.21%)
Français 8 003 (4.66%) 163 678 (95.34%) 171 681 (29.01%)
Italiano 3 382 (6.46%) 48 934 (93.54%) 52 316 (8.84%)
Português 2 303 (2.78%) 80 557 (97.22%) 82 860 (14%)
русский 3 250 (20.17%) 12 863 (79.83%) 16 113 (2.72%)
Srpski 16 (12.21%) 115 (87.79%) 131 (0.02%)
Total 48 629 (8.22%) 543 099 (91.78%) 591 728

Statistics Any language Any bots

Number of rounds and games played
  Total Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
~Games~55 06821.1147.7633.17 708
~Rounds~591 728226.81 5876 80382 822
~RoundsInFinishedGames~410 522157.31 1014 72057 459

Approximatively 69.38% of the games are played to their end, while 30.62% seem to be interrupted in the middle.

Duration of rounds :

Options usage

Most addicted players

This ranking lists the players who played the most rounds and games since the last reset.

  1. Lucia: 79 160 rounds played
  2. korent: 47 024 rounds played
  3. zieddu: 25 744 rounds played
  4. menaouar: 23 650 rounds played
  5. vulcano: 20 146 rounds played
  6. babydoe: 18 402 rounds played
  7. RoughAndHard: 17 916 rounds played
  8. Bofhfhf: 16 384 rounds played
  9. discreto: 16 372 rounds played
  10. aladim13: 15 906 rounds played
  11. lagartodapontinha: 13 928 rounds played
  12. DuaneG: 13 726 rounds played
  13. misterPakistan: 13 686 rounds played
  14. EO03: 12 970 rounds played
  15. ardino: 12 936 rounds played
  16. osiris: 12 642 rounds played
  17. pascool: 12 432 rounds played
  18. Georgiabulldog92: 12 162 rounds played
  19. mogo: 11 826 rounds played
  20. nuno: 11 514 rounds played
  21. pipiou: 11 486 rounds played
  22. can-96: 11 368 rounds played
  23. TinkerBell: 11 152 rounds played
  24. Birudo: 10 536 rounds played
  25. mehmetceyhan: 10 398 rounds played
  26. grifone: 10 376 rounds played
  27. Sylphrena: 10 368 rounds played
  28. nonameboy: 10 288 rounds played
  29. gimnastka: 10 156 rounds played
  30. DocWright: 10 048 rounds played

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