Statistics: Zanzibar

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General game statistics of Zanzibar

Last reset: Mar 4 2017 21:00:00

Number of games played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Deutsch 5 (13.16%) 33 (86.84%) 38 (0.07%)
English 4 971 (24.2%) 15 574 (75.8%) 20 545 (37.55%)
Español 2 253 (27.6%) 5 911 (72.4%) 8 164 (14.92%)
Français 6 722 (34.9%) 12 540 (65.1%) 19 262 (35.2%)
Italiano 637 (17.27%) 3 051 (82.73%) 3 688 (6.74%)
Português 50 (3.92%) 1 226 (96.08%) 1 276 (2.33%)
русский 63 (4.34%) 1 387 (95.66%) 1 450 (2.65%)
1 (100%) 0 (0%) 1 (0%)
Srpski 86 (31.05%) 191 (68.95%) 277 (0.51%)
0 (0%) 14 (100%) 14 (0.03%)
Total 14 788 (27.03%) 39 927 (72.97%) 54 715
Number of rounds played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Deutsch 5 (13.16%) 33 (86.84%) 38 (0.07%)
English 4 971 (24.2%) 15 574 (75.8%) 20 545 (37.55%)
Español 2 253 (27.6%) 5 911 (72.4%) 8 164 (14.92%)
Français 6 722 (34.9%) 12 540 (65.1%) 19 262 (35.2%)
Italiano 637 (17.27%) 3 051 (82.73%) 3 688 (6.74%)
Português 50 (3.92%) 1 226 (96.08%) 1 276 (2.33%)
русский 63 (4.34%) 1 387 (95.66%) 1 450 (2.65%)
1 (100%) 0 (0%) 1 (0%)
Srpski 86 (31.05%) 191 (68.95%) 277 (0.51%)
0 (0%) 14 (100%) 14 (0.03%)
Total 14 788 (27.03%) 39 927 (72.97%) 54 715

Statistics Any language Any bots

Number of rounds and games played
  Total Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
~Games~54 71521.01147.1630.47 676

Duration of games :

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