Statistics: The ultimate press enter official game

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General game statistics of The ultimate press enter official game

Last reset: Apr 22 2022 16:00:00

Number of games played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Deutsch 24 (36.92%) 41 (63.08%) 65 (0.72%)
English 655 (19.98%) 2 623 (80.02%) 3 278 (36.42%)
Español 616 (18.61%) 2 694 (81.39%) 3 310 (36.78%)
Français 82 (11.48%) 632 (88.52%) 714 (7.93%)
Italiano 29 (4.06%) 686 (95.94%) 715 (7.94%)
Português 90 (14.61%) 526 (85.39%) 616 (6.84%)
русский 15 (9.38%) 145 (90.63%) 160 (1.78%)
Srpski 13 (9.15%) 129 (90.85%) 142 (1.58%)
Total 1 524 (16.93%) 7 476 (83.07%) 9 000
Number of rounds played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Deutsch 24 (36.92%) 41 (63.08%) 65 (0.72%)
English 655 (19.98%) 2 623 (80.02%) 3 278 (36.42%)
Español 616 (18.61%) 2 694 (81.39%) 3 310 (36.78%)
Français 82 (11.48%) 632 (88.52%) 714 (7.93%)
Italiano 29 (4.06%) 686 (95.94%) 715 (7.94%)
Português 90 (14.61%) 526 (85.39%) 616 (6.84%)
русский 15 (9.38%) 145 (90.63%) 160 (1.78%)
Srpski 13 (9.15%) 129 (90.85%) 142 (1.58%)
Total 1 524 (16.93%) 7 476 (83.07%) 9 000

Statistics Any language Any bots

Number of rounds and games played
  Total Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
~Games~9 00012.3586.44370.54 510

Duration of games :

Options usage

Most addicted players

This ranking lists the players who played the most rounds and games since the last reset.

  1. davide97: 145 games played
  2. fern: 136 games played
  3. Carter: 130 games played
  4. dottor_floccari : 123 games played
  5. sai_cinmnh : 108 games played
  6. Texou: 102 games played
  7. Lilith: 99 games played
  8. Petra-004: 93 games played
  9. Ziane: 78 games played
  10. linda_27: 70 games played
  11. Leonardo06: 67 games played
  12. M_Gan: 62 games played
  13. Milos: 62 games played
  14. manchita: 59 games played
  15. fernmomo: 59 games played
  16. Mistermiau: 56 games played
  17. amirsepehri: 55 games played
  18. Herceg: 55 games played
  19. drein: 55 games played
  20. cameronbois: 54 games played
  21. jonihersa153: 53 games played
  22. Martina-Stumpf: 52 games played
  23. simon: 51 games played
  24. el-bufalo-relajoso-y-amistoso : 49 games played
  25. alaska : 49 games played
  26. Anderson41: 48 games played
  27. brian_heli: 47 games played
  28. Sebas.25: 43 games played
  29. martianoverlord: 41 games played
  30. FifiBrindacier: 40 games played

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