Any possibility we might be getting bingo?

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Pontuação: +2

1. AliColak,

My appoligies for asking this question if it was asked already, I tried looking in the forums but couldn't find anything. Is there any chance we might be getting bingo in the future. RS games has it, but the disadvantage there is that its in English, and those people who don't no English would not be able to use it. It would be a universal game, for friends from different cultures to come together and play, without any language ristrictions and that I think should be easy to implement

Pontuação: +2

2. Aminiel,


ON the playroom, we try to favor real games and real multiplayer games.

1. Bingo isn't really multiplayer, since you play with your own board without any interaction with other players.
I agree that shut the boxes and black jack are also in that category, but note that they are among the least successful games on the platform.

2. It's very likely to be a press enter game.
When a number is drawn, are you going to mark it yourself in the board ? And are you going to press a key when you see that you win ?
It looks like a little crazy to don't do it automatically, and at the same time, by doing it automatically, you have no longer to do anything then.

3. This is exclusively a gambling game, and as such, it loses quite a lot of its interests when you don't play for money.
Honnestly, black jack was an error. I shouldn't have ever be there.

4. After all, we don't consider it as a real game, because it's only about random chance.
We consider that a game can be called a game only from the moment where there are delibrate choices to make, and when those choices have an actual influence on the outcome.
IN farkle and black jack, you have to decide if you keep going or not. In shut the boxes, you can choose which tokens to put down. You can evaluate your chances to win with one or the other possibility and take a measured risk.
In bingo, which choices do you have ? none. You may choose your board, as well as you can choose where to put your bet in roulette, but it doesn't foundamentally changes the fact that it's pure luck. Your choice hasn't a real effect on the outcome.

For all these reasons, bingo is a bad candidate for the playroom.

The same arguments (or some of them at least) applies to roulette and snakes and ladders, just in case you would like to request these ones as well.

Pontuação: +5

3. Captain-Lousy,

Haha, as for Black Jack, I don't really feel like that game's pointless, it's still fun to play sometimes, try to get lucky with the chips and beat the current record. If I had to choose a game to be thrown out of here for some reason, it would definitely be Shut the Boxes, since there's nothing better to do in that game than just pressing enter and choosing the first option which is always the best, at least as I see it. You can play that game with other players but there's rather no competition or challenge there for me. Anyways I agree that Bingo isn't much of a game either.

Pontuação: +3

4. YNWA,

If you want an interesting twist to bingo then play the version that I played at school many, many years ago. instead of reading out the numbers 28, 63, 132 etc call out:

7 4s
9 7s
11 12s

Done quickly certainly improved my knowledge of the times tables. In normal bingo if you had the winning number card you won, even if you had the winning numbers here doesn't mean you would win as you can easily miss a number.

Pontuação: +1

5. Nikola,

for black jack I don't really think it was a mistake, because it at least introduced something new, the permanent chips which I find quite interesting. It's a little buggy, but that's for a different topic…

For Shut the boxes, there is always the possibility to make it no longer a press enter game. When you roll the dice, the boxes displayed should be in a random order, and not the best one always at the top. Of course, it might be too late to go for that now… It's not such a big difference since it is quite obvious what the best move is, but it would at least give a bit of thinking.

Pontuação: +2

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