Suggestion regarding free tables.

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Pontuação: +16

1. Naday,

Hey there,
I was thinking about public free tables and how they could be improved. What if these tables were only visible to those who have been granted access by the table masters? In other words, if I'm not allowed to join a certain free table, I shouldn't even be able to see it in the list.
I think this feature would make the list less spammy and prevent unnecessary attempts to join tables where access is restricted. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this idea.
Kind regards,

Pontuação: +0

2. godfather,

yeah this whole thing where you can only join tables based on access levels basically defeats the point of free tables now that favourites is a category, because 80% of ft's have that on them so say I were a new user, I'd get very demotivated going to join a table>gree table and find most of the tables not joinable there.

Pontuação: +0

3. sound2,

That is very true. I agree there.

Pontuação: +0

4. gemmi,

I too agree

Pontuação: +0

5. sound2,

It gets annoying sometimes when you try and enter a free table only to find out that you are barred, because of the person's settings.

Pontuação: +0

6. Quintin-D,

I agree, it must be annoying for those who try to enter such tables. This is a good suggestion

Pontuação: +0

7. Rincewind,

I agree. Or at least if we could know from the outset if we're allowed in or not without actually trying to enter.

Pontuação: +0

8. Northstrider,

How about you could choose to not see the tables you're not allowed in.

Pontuação: +1

9. Speedo,

Agreed. +1.

Pontuação: +0

10. sound2,

Yes, hiding those tables could work as well.

Pontuação: +0

11. Frosty,

agree. there's no point of showing the tables which are not accessible to the user anyways. it would just make the user feel excluded from the community.

Pontuação: +0

12. Nikola,

this seems to be implemented today, even if it says that there are, for instance, 3 public free tables available, you will see only the ones you can actually join.

It may be a bit confusing at first but I suppose they are technically public tables.

Pontuação: +2

13. GeorgeWu,

How can I choose to make my free tables visible to everyone? All to no one?

Pontuação: +0

14. Nikola,

this is related to your privacy options.

If you press f10 to open options and go to privacy, you have an option to choose who will be able to join your tables.

Note that it is not a context menu but rather an option which toggles, so pressing enter on it repeatedly will switch between the available options.

Pontuação: +1

15. GeorgeWu,

okay thanks.

Pontuação: +0

16. Quintin-D,

Thank you for implementing this suggestion.

Pontuação: +0

17. YNWA,

If tables become private should they be called "free tables"? If they are not then when selecting free tables you would be able to join any table that is classed as free.

Pontuação: -1

18. Nikola,

I am confused. This option has nothing to do with private tables.

Simply, any table, whether it is a free table or a gaming table, you can configure your privacy options so that your friends/favorites can join. If I am not in that list, I simply won't see the table, since I cannot join it anyway.

A free table is free in the sense that there is no game on it and you chat. It can be private or public, like any other table.

Pontuação: +1

19. godfather,

Cool. A filter of some sorts might be nice, E.g. in the ft's menu right arrow to see all of them instead of just the ones you can join. Also more clarification with the message in the menu saying that 3 tables for instance, 1 of which you may join due to the nature of the table master's private settings otherwise it's possible to throw off new people. Not the biggest deal but yes.

Pontuação: +1

20. YNWA,

It is quite simple, if you go down to a list of free tables and it says when you try to join a table only friends of the table master can join then in the true sense of the word the table is not free. I have seen between 8 and 10 free tables sometimes on the English side. Would it be better to have the option to join a Free or private table instead of people only finding out they can't join when they try to enter the table.

Pontuação: -1

21. Aminiel,


I don't understand well where is the polemic. The feature is now implemented, in the sense that only the tables you can actually join are listed.

Normally, you should no longer get a message saying that you can't join a table after having pressed enter on it, except if the table master has just made it private or changed privacy settings by the time the table is displayed. Now, such a table is simply absent from the join list.

However, this feature only concerns detail listing at the last level. Numbers telling how many tables of a given game currently exists don't count out unreachable tables, they always give the total number of existing tables in the whole server.

Pontuação: +0

Última edição por Aminiel, Jul 8 2023 16:38:45

22. Frosty,

yup, it doesn't actually list the tables you cannot join anymore. only the ones whose privacy settings allow you to join, and tables open to all are listed. nice work, thanks for that.

Pontuação: +0

23. Mohammedradwan2003,

I thought that this number didn't count tables set to private already?

Pontuação: +0

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