Website: Escape allows hiding certain elements (Resolvido)

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1. Nikola,

I've accidentally noticed this when I double pressed escape to close a menu by mistake, but on the website, it is possible to press escape on many elements, which causes them to completely disappear.

For example, open the home page. Start by focusing the menu link and pressing escape on it (you will need to enter focus mode with NVDA+space, or with Jaws it seems to be enough to tab to it and press escape).
The entire menu section is now hidden.
You can then repeat this process for the "Go to top" link after statistics, for the list at the bottom with the contact and staff links, and finally, you'll have 90 percent of the website hidden.

Is this something that's accidentally here? It doesn't seem to be possible to unhide anything without reloading the page after you do this…

I'm not sure what are all the affected areas, it also works in the blocked users/friends list areas.

Pontuação: +1

2. Sajad-Aliraqi,

I don't want to assume this is not a bug but as far as I know, everywhere on a web interface pressing escape lets you off brows mode. and you can press nvda+space to get in. So I don't really think this has to do with the web client for QCG in the first place.

Pontuação: +0

3. Nikola,

So I don't really think this has to do with the web client for QCG in the first place.

You are completely right, that is why my first post never mentions the Web client in any way, neither leaving the focus mode.

Pontuação: +2

4. Aminiel,


Of course it isn't intentional, it's quite useless since you can't make them appear again unless you press F5. Well done, what a funny bug !

It should be fixed now, at least for header menus and footer links. Let me know if this bug is still somewhere.

Interestingly, arrow keys and home/end were also working. I decided to keep them, as it might be useful.

Thank you.

Pontuação: +2

4 Mensagens, 1 Páginas:  1 ↖ Voltar a lista de tópicos

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