Playroom client 3.0 beta

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Pontuação: +5

271. Epic_Krrish,

Hi will it be possible to add the nevigating sound in connect4, just like we have in reversi?

Pontuação: +0

272. socheat,


After installing the new beta update, when I press enter to launch the game, nothing happen. Thoughts on this?

Pontuação: +0

273. Aminiel,

After installing the new beta update, when I press enter to launch the game, nothing happen. Thoughts on this?

What do you mean exactly by nothing happens ? The client doessn't even open with the login dialog ?

Do you have a debug.txt somewhere ? Can you send it or post relevant parts ?

Pontuação: +1

274. Nikola,

Hi Aminiel,
if it is the same problem I had once, reinstalling the client should fix it.

I don't think this is related to automatic updates.
I encountered this a few versions ago and wanted to report, but then I was not able to reproduce it again.

Basically, after a server reboot, something strange happened after I restarted the client.
The client would not open. No login dialog is displayed, no process is created in the task manager and nothing is written in the debug.

It would seem that somehow, the qcgc.exe file gets corrupted.
I was able to fix this by extracting the qcgc.exe file back again to the same folder, replacing the existing one (the client was still portable at that time ), and then it started and worked normally.

I'm not sure what would be useful to do in this situation if I encounter it again to debug the problem.

Pontuação: +1

275. slann-tonic,

for @parikshit: you mean when you're in a game as a spectator? that's a good idea, if you're not playing you shouldn't hear the loser's sound. instead you should hear something like: the game is over or something like that.

Pontuação: +0

276. dragonoid,

ah don't tell me that that's the virus that corrupts your exes. I got it once when i downloaded qcgc3 beta back when it was still portable. And you don't even know that it is the case until you launch it, and it starts infectin more files. Oh my god that was so crappy, i lost all m files because of it. But i'm effrayed now
of downloading it. Maybe it's not playroom itself, but rather the virus was on one of my other files and then it transmitted itself to playroom> I don't know, Please confirm if the file runs correctly on your devices or not. If it doesn't show any windows and your windefend is off, the files are goners

Pontuação: -1

277. Nikola,

Don't worry, there is no virus.
At the moment, everything works. It's a strange bug, but not a virus.

Pontuação: +1

278. gfriha,

Hello, two times happened this to me today, and one to a friend.
We saved a table, then wanted to restore it and the table got lost.
In our case was a free table and 2 games of uno.
This last time a message appeared to me, it's in Spanish, but basically it says that the table couldn't be restored by a bug.
La mesa no ha podido ser restaurada. Se ha producido un error durante la restauración.

Pontuação: +2

279. Marina,

I confirm it happened since the last beta update here too. However I wasn't sure whether it's an individual thing because it happened right after the update in a free table, and it did not repeat again with me.
But now it seems to be general because just yesterday it happened with another friend in Uno as well.
We both got no messages though.

Pontuação: +1

Última edição por Marina, Aug 8 2021 13:19:46

280. socheat,

@Aminiel, the problem seems to be fixed after I restart my computer.

Pontuação: +0

281. mr.miguel,

Hello. when I go to play chess, the following message appears: Playing with a bot isn't supported in this version of the client. Please update. what happens is that I redownloaded the client again and it continue.

Pontuação: +0

282. Nikola,

which version of the client are you using?
You can check this by pressing alt plus space to open the system menu, and then activating the about option. That will give you the version number.

If it is V2, this is normal, playing with a bot is possible only in V3, which is currently in beta, thus you are I assume trying to get the latest stable client version.
In fact, all the information about the current beta is listed in the first post of this exact topic if you want to try it out and indeed play Chess against a bot.

Pontuação: +1

283. mr.miguel,

thanks, the version I am playng is 2.8. is there already a release date for 3.0?

Pontuação: +0

284. Nikola,

I have encountered a problem with streaming with the latest beta.

I'm not sure why, but it appears that it's no longer possible to stream files from Dropbox.
I am trying to stream audio from Dropbox as usual, but the audio simply doesn't play.
The debug says:
"BASS Error 2 (Couldn't open file)"

This could of course also be something wrong with Dropbox, but I am reporting it here because in V2, those exact streams work perfectly fine. They only don't play in V3.


Pontuação: +1

285. Fawaz,

Apparently dropbox link for content viewing (dl dropbox) working fine.
the one is not working is the download link, the one that ends with =1.
we have tried it with qais in the table, it was evident that that links starting with dl are working fine.
good luck.

Pontuação: +1

286. Aminiel,


Nikola, do you know what was the audio format of the file ?
Thank you.

Pontuação: +1

287. Nikola,

Hi Aminiel,
I tried 3 different files, 2 were MP3 and 1 was OGG.

Here is an example, using the old Playroom music. Try streaming it to a table, and in my case, it doesn't play in V3, but does in V2.
However, as Fawaz correctly noticed, the same link created in this way works just fine.

Now of course, I tried opening both links directly in my browser and both start the download directly, so not sure why this is problematic in V3.


Pontuação: +1

288. Aminiel,


A major step in the beta phase is coming !

I warmly thank you for all your beta-testing up to now, and encourage you to try out the surprise that just appeared. It is exclusive to v3 users.

Thank you very much !

Pontuação: +1

289. Nikola,

very exciting for sure.

The first thing I noticed is that when someone is playing Magic blocks, it is displayed as if they were playing Uno, same when you are invited to a table.

Also, not sure if this is intended, the created table is by default private. In the list of tables, arcade games are displayed, but pressing enter doesn't give any results other than going back to classic games. This is I guess because even when private tables are created, arcade games are still listed in the join a table menu.
What is worse however is when a table of magic blocks that is public does exist, and you press enter to see it, you can't escape out of that menu and go back.

Since I was unable to view the rules by pressing Ctrl F1, just in case, to learn how to play if you never played before, you can visit

Speaking about these rules however, I am not sure how much of it is implemented. Score attack and time attack both exist, is the multyplayer mode also available?

Also, at the end of the rules page, the table for commands is broken, that is it's not really a table.

Speaking about commands, is joystick input implemented? It doesn't really work with my PS2 controller.


Pontuação: +1

Última edição por Nikola, Aug 16 2021 22:40:51

290. Aminiel,


No, multiplayer isn't yet available. This will be for later. There are still several big problems currently.

For joystick, I have only tested with a XBox controller. Normally it should also work with PlayStation ones, but of course I don't have one myself, so I couldn't test at all.

Fun for the fake uno thing ! I'll remove it in the next update, and also look at the other problems mentioned. Thank you.

Pontuação: +1

291. No-Time-no-Musume,


I think I've found the surprise - the magic blocks in the new arcade games slot. But I am not sure if I have any good news about it, since from my perspective it basically doesn't work at all. Let's start with easy things: when I create the table, it appears to be called uno instead - can be seen if I have myself added in friendlist, or any of your friends will see you at an Uno table (as Nicola already mentioned). I guess this is some sort of an index problem, Uno is the first game in "classic" games, and now there is other game with number 1.

Second thing is, that if you try to save the table and then restore it, it says: "The table couldn't be restored. An error occurred while restoring the table." I guess this problem might be related to the problem above, it might try to restore an Uno table, which actually isn't uno. :)

Third problem is probably related to my perspective (that is sighted person perspective). When I press "Start the game", it captures my cursor, making it unable to leave the client window, until I press alt+tab to leave the playroom window - then it doesn't capture it anymore when I return to the playroom window, unless I press the start button again. Pressing "go back" in the table menu also appears to work to free the cursor, otherwise the right panel is completely frozen, not reacting even to hotkeys such as F9.

Another thing it does is that it says Main menu in the history, and that's all it does. I still see the table menu in the right part of the window. I can randomly press arrows and enter, which adds 2 more items to the history: "Choose game ambiance:" and "Choose starting level:", but I cannot actually see any options to choose from. Then it eventually starts playing some music, escape makes the music stop, but it sometimes randomly starts playing again, while I am in other window, and that's all I have from the game right now - I suppose the "magic blocks" are now magically completely invisible, as well as any game settings there might be there (= there is no graphics at all, nor anything that can be interacted with for a person without any screen reader). :)

Anyways have a good night. Hopefully I will be able to play it soon as well.

Pontuação: +1

292. Captain-Lousy,

Since all the bugs I was going to report have been mentioned here already, I just wanted to stop by to kindly thank you for the nice surprise, and I'm pretty excited to see where this is going. Good luck and happy smashing everyone.

Pontuação: +1

293. Fawaz,

This is awesome. I loved it.
However, one thing happened to me is that twice managed to enter a private table.
once Qais joined to my private table of the game, and second I joined his private table.
not sure since it is private by default, making it private not happening or whats wrong.
thanks once more.

Pontuação: +0

294. Marina,

I would like to add to Nikola's post that the arcade menu that lists the available tables is stuck also when you try to create a new table of magic blocks not only when trying to go back. the only thing that works is joining someone's table and getting out from there.
Another bug that was happening to me is the disconnection after about 10 minutes even if I am on the same window but doing nothing, thus appearing as absent. I have no internet issues. I used to ignore this but as playroom for some reason considers us absent while playing arcade, I got disconnected and directly reconnected after finishing a game that lasted for more than 10 minutes, with a score of 12000 something.
After that everything was stuck though I could access the chat, and after I restarted my score was apparently not listed to the high scores.

Pontuação: +1

295. No-Time-no-Musume,

I forgot to mention that when I press "start the game" and then I try to randomly click around the remaining table menu (other than "go back" option), it made the client crash. Also, the tooltips reacted normally to the table menu rather than to some invisible objects, so maybe they could be used to test what actually is present for a sighted person. :)

Pontuação: +1

Última edição por No-Time-no-Musume, Aug 17 2021 07:33:42

296. Captain-Lousy,

Hi again,
I'm not sure whether this is a bug or whether you wanted to prevent from accidentally switching out of the game field, but when playing magic blocks, the tab key doesn't switch you between the game, chat and history. Alt +c and the rest of the shortcuts work just fine.

Pontuação: +0

297. Aminiel,


I also seen strange behaviors with the menu switching between arcade and classic. I'll try to sort this out soon.
Sorry for the hiscore, 12000 is pretty good !

I'm pretty sorry, but arcade mode is effectively not accessible to sighted people. See it as inverted accessibility, or as a revange for all the things that aren't accessible to us elsewhere, lol !

More seriously, this part of the playroom is going to host audio games, which, by definition, have no graphics. They probably won't ever have, unless a sighted developer come into the project.
You may try Magic Blocks with windows narrator if you don't use any scren reader.
Otherwise, don't expect anything visual in the entire arcade section.

Be reassured though, arcade mode doesn't mean that development of classic games will cease sooner or later.

I effectively wanted to prevent going out of the game field accidentally, but after all I'm wondering if it's good or bad.
What do others think ? The beta isn't over yet, so that's the good moment to decide this kind of thing.

Pontuação: +1

298. No-Time-no-Musume,

@ Aminiel
I understand it's difficult to make the graphics for something that doesn't have it by default, I just expected to see something just like the other games. Or it might at least include its own voice acting. :) But it's true that I can just go play Pokemon Alpha Sapphire or something instead, haha! I didn't think of trying with narrator, might give it a try with Haruko, I wonder how it would sound with her Japanese accent. :D Or maybe it's time for me to learn programming? Maybe if I didn't need to learn tons of other stuff. :)

Pontuação: +1

299. Captain-Lousy,

after the recent reboot, the table is correctly shown as magic blocks and not uno anymore. The strange behavior related to the join a table menu still persists though, so the only way of getting out of the menu is to join another player's table as nothing else works. Also, the ctrl+F1 shortcut doesn't do anything. Perhaps it might not be a bad idea to include an option to view game instructions in the main menu of each arcade game as well, but that's just a random suggestion for the future.
As for the tab key, I don't have any problem with using the different shortcuts, in fact I also don't think that I'd often hit tab by accident but maybe this key could be somehow useful in future arcade games later on, so why not keeping it open...

Pontuação: +1

300. Nikola,

until the tables menu is fixed, you can use another workaround if you don't want to join random tables just to get out of it.
If you press shift F3 to switch the language to another one, that will return you back to the main room menu and then you can just switch back to English.

Yesterday while testing I discovered something quite stupid but also funny.
If you create a table of magic blocks and start the game, then in the chat type /kick YourUsername, you will go back to the main room but you can still play Magic blocks.
If you finish the game though,it can't post the score so you will get stuck in arcade mode and have to restart the client.
That is probably why Mmarina was stuck too on that high score after a disconnection, since if you are no longer at the table it seems that the score can't be posted and the game crashes.

Pontuação: +1

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