Visual options of the windows client

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Pontuação: +9

Enquete: Which visual customizations are you using on the windows client ?

Which visual customizations are you using on the windows client ?

2 (6%)

1 (3%)

11 (32%)

1 (3%)

4 (12%)

23 (68%)

34 votos
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1. Aminiel,


With the goal to improve or potentially completely change the system in a future version of the windows client, we would like to know if you are customizing visual options of the client.
IF you have suggestions to make in this regard, it's also the good moment to do so.

Thank you for your answers.

Pontuação: +2

2. Spongebob,

@Aminiel, I don't think we needed the option to vote for "they did none of the above". Most people on this platform are completely blind, so things like how the client looks, font size, and colors are not really important to them. I'm afraid that many total blind players might vote for that option without realizing it doesn't affect them at all, which would make the poll results unfair. However, I do understand that there might be some people with partial vision who haven't changed their reading and appearance settings and might vote for that option. Personally, I believe that people who are completely blind should not participate in this poll. I know it might sound silly, but that's what I think.

Pontuação: +1

3. godfather,

I agree with the last post. With a goal to make the platform more inclusive, people that actually care about visuals should come forward. No way to really gauge this of course other than honesty of the playerbase but ya.

Pontuação: +0

4. Disquete,

I think any kind of visual changes should affect web client only

Pontuação: +0

5. godfather,

Actually there's some visual options in the windows client as well, in fact I seem to recall a visual heading under settings just for this.
Also, I'd wajor one of the ideas behind this post was to gather feedback and add more to playroom anyway to make it more visually pleasing(this including the windows client).

Pontuação: +0

6. Aminiel,


@Spongebob and @JoWier:
From my perspective, if you don't feel concerned, you shouldn't vote, that's as simple as that.

The objective is of course not to find out that 99% voted "none" because they don't care at all (I'm blind, so it's my case, by the way) and conclude that all visual options currently provided are almost totally useless.
the goal is rather more to find out more precisely what's indeed used and useful, and what isn't that much, in order to simplify things and concentrate on what's really needed in the future.

It's of course early to say anything, but the first few votes tend to show that individual color customization may not be as useful as I thought.
However, more attention should probably be paid for predefined ready to use color schemes such as dark mode.

It's incorrect to say that sighted people should use the web client and that windows client should be reserved for blind people, if it's what you meant.

The windows client is just simpler and faster than the web client, so everyone should be able to use it.
The web client is there for those who aren't under windows. One day I hope to have a client for other platforms too, but sadly it isn't going to happen soon.

By the way, the web client provide almost no visual customization, and what is provided is rather buggy currently.

Pontuação: +2

6 Mensagens, 1 Páginas:  1 ↖ Voltar a lista de tópicos

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