Statistics: Scientific war

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General game statistics of Scientific war

Last reset: Feb 15 2014 14:29:07

Number of games played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Deutsch 16 (18.82%) 69 (81.18%) 85 (0.26%)
English 2 743 (16.15%) 14 246 (83.85%) 16 989 (51.23%)
Español 706 (13.02%) 4 718 (86.98%) 5 424 (16.36%)
Français 784 (15.46%) 4 287 (84.54%) 5 071 (15.29%)
Italiano 113 (3.65%) 2 984 (96.35%) 3 097 (9.34%)
Português 139 (9.33%) 1 351 (90.67%) 1 490 (4.49%)
русский 185 (20.22%) 730 (79.78%) 915 (2.76%)
Srpski 13 (15.29%) 72 (84.71%) 85 (0.26%)
Total 4 699 (14.17%) 28 457 (85.83%) 33 156
Number of rounds played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Deutsch 16 (18.82%) 69 (81.18%) 85 (0.26%)
English 2 743 (16.15%) 14 246 (83.85%) 16 989 (51.23%)
Español 706 (13.02%) 4 718 (86.98%) 5 424 (16.36%)
Français 784 (15.46%) 4 287 (84.54%) 5 071 (15.29%)
Italiano 113 (3.65%) 2 984 (96.35%) 3 097 (9.34%)
Português 139 (9.33%) 1 351 (90.67%) 1 490 (4.49%)
русский 185 (20.22%) 730 (79.78%) 915 (2.76%)
Srpski 13 (15.29%) 72 (84.71%) 85 (0.26%)
Total 4 699 (14.17%) 28 457 (85.83%) 33 156

Statistics Any language Any bots

Number of rounds and games played
  Total Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
~Games~33 1638.9162.38267.33 255

Duration of games :

Most addicted players

This ranking lists the players who played the most rounds and games since the last reset.

  1. WALID: 1 344 games played
  2. giovanni09: 1 146 games played
  3. polymath: 1 031 games played
  4. Heracles: 953 games played
  5. york: 703 games played
  6. Adventure-Time: 613 games played
  7. firefly82: 600 games played
  8. gsbursa: 584 games played
  9. Grzegorz: 581 games played
  10. fleur-de-lys: 543 games played
  11. jeanlucdo: 514 games played
  12. amirsepehri: 474 games played
  13. Naday: 385 games played
  14. abdullah.tarek: 352 games played
  15. dottorfloccari : 333 games played
  16. NovaLenada : 234 games played
  17. dottor_floccari : 221 games played
  18. stephane.marys: 218 games played
  19. betito: 210 games played
  20. nblasewitz: 202 games played
  21. Vojvoda: 202 games played
  22. MC-BMQ: 183 games played
  23. amadeu: 180 games played
  24. NewSound: 171 games played
  25. abdi: 166 games played
  26. Ryo-Bee: 161 games played
  27. cristina : 153 games played
  28. The-white-dove: 131 games played
  29. Nikola: 120 games played
  30. fredrik013: 120 games played

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